Whats with you.

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It was the middle of the night when Wei ying felt a shiver rise up his spine.
It was as if he was being watched, was he hallucinating? Standing up his bones creaked in pain although Wei ying didn't care to pay attention to that as he was face to face with a black figure. 
It looked like a puppet of himself dancing beneath tendrils of resentful energy.
"Dear child didn't you miss us?" The voice of a thousand screamed in union.
Getting into a meditative position Wei ying shut his eyes closed as he felt the tendrils swarm him and cover him whole.
"Shall we make a copy of you? Let it be known we are able." The resentment teased ignored by Wei ying who had heard their ludicrous mockery many times.
"Don't you dare." Said an unknown voice as a familiar resentment entered his vicinity.
This has never happened before, resentment had never conversed in his past life other than a few sentences. They never seemed truly conscious, just full of rage and hate. But here he sat listening as the resentment which he notice came from his sword critiqued the newly found resentment. "Why does this one not dare?" The new resentful energy asked as the scent of blood filled Wei yings nostrils.
"You don't know whom you're talking
To stray." His swords resentment said oozing out more as they converted.
He almost felt bad for making his dear suibian full of resentment, but if he could actually manage to tame it with the newly found perks of dying and being brought to the past. It was ok, despite how chilly suibian voice is.
"Why should I fear but a mear mortal?" The resentment said as he felt a phantom of someone choking him.
"Ha be mindful of whom you place your anger on, this is none other than your partiarch whom risen from the dead." Suibian chuckles as the phantom of being choked went away as fast as it came.
"My deepest apologies partiarch as well as lord suibian." The stray resentment said shocking Wei ying as his eyes slowly opened. "No need for apologies, simply explaine, how long where you able to converse?" Wei ying was curious as never in his two lifetimes has he come across this happening. "Mortals are unable to hear us, but we've been able to talk for centuries."
Suibian responds as the stray pipes in "you are no longer simply from the mortal plane." This was of no shock to wei ying being as he's been from hell to back and died. "What am I exactly?" Wei ying asked the energy. " well, you are our partiarch not a mortal or ghost. You are simply whatever it is you wish as you've experienced the hardships of life as well as paying your blood debt to us." Suibian said "we will follow your commands in this life as respect for your loyalty and diligence in the last" suibian finished as Wei ying thought of the information. "Very well much appreciated. Suibian how much are you currently controlling?" Wei ying asks wanting to test if his theory of the correct calculations where correct. "Exacly as calculated partiarch 34 % in control" suibian respectfully said.
"Very well. By the way" his conversation got cut short by jiang cheng banging on the door.
"Oi come out shit head" Jiang cheng shouted seemingly in a bad mood.
"Whats up your ass my dear shidi?" Wei ying joked as he opened the door to greet his brother. Just to be met with a glare "you dumbass how can you look even more dead than yesterday! I swear if you walk around at night people will say they saw a ghost. I'm telling shijie." Jiang cheng crossed his arms sizing Wei ying up as to make sure he doesn't protest. "Aiya Jiang cheng there isn't a need to bother her." Wei ying tried just for Jiang cheng to grab his wrist flinching when he notices how skinny he is.
"Where going now." Jiang cheng drags his body down the hall ignoring his protests.
"A-ying what happened to make you look so sick!" Jiang yanli says fussing over him before running around to make him food with whatevers lying around. "When did you eat last? Did you sleep? Are you breathing well? Do you se-"   "shijie!" She was interrupted by Wei wuxian who watched worried over her fussing.
Jiang cheng though looked amused with his siblings antics.
"I'm ok just have a little cold that's all." Wei wuxian said smiling before putting on a show of how he's stronger than ever, even doing 1 finger push ups. Causing his shijie to laugh and cheer for him before scrambling back to make food.
After eating together and talking about every topic that came to mind Wei wuxian remembered he was suppost to go to the Cold pond to meet elder lan yi.
"Fuck I gotta go shijie! See you later!" Wei wuxian said quickly running off leaving Jiang cheng and yanli to talk.

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