freaking out

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Wei ying was fine with this, him and lan zhan in peaceful tranquility, this time around he's going to appreciate it more.
Losing himself in the moment was almost too easy the ever so graceful lan zhan not hurt by war not infected by the yiling patriarch. He wished the peaceful times could stay but he knew war was around the corner and he needed to be ready.
Lucky for Wei ying he spent Days recoping talisman and seals so gusu rules which he's copied many times before went by fast he had a lot of spare time to zone out and think of what could be.
He knew his drawing skills where ten times better than when he was younger and he really wanted to shock lan zhan so he started a portrait.
The portrait was gorgeous in his opinion surely worth lan zhans approval.
Snow was falling down a dark blue sky as lan zhan sat with his guqin, bunny's as white as snow huddled together with there blood red eyes.
Among the group of bunny's was a black one with silver vibrant eyes it was seen on lan zhans lap.
Lan zhans face was stern but if you knew him you could tell he was content the Slightly upturned lip spoke allot.
Looking over his master piece he walked over ready to show lan zhan.
Lan zhan didn't acknowledge him till he sat across from him.
He looked at Wei ying frowned and returned to his work.
Wei ying took some time to admire lan zhan up close before breaking the silence
(He wasn't some creep that would stare into your soul!)
"Lan zhan~ I brought you a gift!) Wei ying said cheerfully.
Lan zhan looked up Slightly confused putting his book aside
"As thanks for meditating with this one I present..." Wei ying was gonna make the reveal amazing.
"You." He forgot what cool line he was suppost to say.
Once He flipped the paper over lan zhan was presented with his hard work.
If Wei ying was smiling Like he won the lottery at seeing lan zhans eyes get bigger no one would know.
"What do you think??" Wei ying asked practically beaming.
"Pretty." Lan zhan said as his ears turned a soft barely noticeable pink.
"You can keep it! If you want of course" Wei ying wasn't expecting lan zhan to say something so cute!! He was gonna die!
"Do you draw often" lan zhan asked
" hm not often but in my spare time" Wei ying replied in thought.
"Are you finished?" Lan zhan looked at his paperwork with a raised eyebrow.
"Yep! I've always been good at copying fast"
In honesty he hated writing it was boring but years of It being life or death with it he was good at it.
"Bring it" lan zhan was surprised, Wei ying finished that in record time there was no way.
"Fine" He brought all of his work sad that he was done.
Lan zhan looked at his work but stopped on one page he looked it over and read it twice
Than a third time.
"Lan zhan?" For fucks sake Wei ying was praying he didn't write anything indecent!
"What diagram is this." Lan zhan voice dropped.
"Huh ooh it must be a scribble haha?" Wei ying was sweating what did he draw?
"Let me see" He said leaning in closer to see.
"Ooh!! That, it's a diagram I found on the way here haha weird right?!" Wei ying laughed even though he was panicking that diagram was for demonic cultivation of course he had to be stupid enough to mindlessly draw it.
"Ooh?" Lan zhan sounded skeptical but gave it back to wei ying.
"I'm studying it since I've never ever seen it before!"  Wei ying insisted finnaly looking up to face lan zhan
He then noticed how close they where.  Wei ying was leaned over lan zhans desk face to face with him he didn't notice before cause he was focused on the diagram but now that the panic was gone he was painfully aware of there proximity.
If he leaned in just a bit more him and lan zhan would kiss..
This position was indecent if someone walked in they would get the wrong idea.
Lan zhan was frozen as well his ears brighter than before.
"Ah! Fuc- Uhm haha sorry lan zhan!!" Wei ying scrambled away scratching his head
"Y-you are dismissed" Lan zhan coughed.
" thanks " Wei ying left with a small blush he was so close ( yet so far )
He met up with Jiang cheng and nie huaisang and carried on with his day.
He watched in a different view as Jiang cheng conversed with Wen Qing. How had he not notice his brother had a crush on Wen Qing !! It was so obvious! Jiang cheng was acting all shy, he's definitely going to tease him later!
When it was late afternoon, He made sure to steer them in the direction of lan zhan and lan Xichen so they can go on their little mission.
He was exited to be able to talk to Wen Qing  and Wen Ning more freely.
The same as last time lan zhan and lan Xichen where walking all serious.

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