My Better Half

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I'm so lucky to have you
So glad I've found you
You're the best thing that ever happened to me
Darling, you mean the world to me

I can't wait to see you
To hug you
To kiss you
To make you feel my love
You're the only one I'll ever love

When I look at you
I see a lot of things
My best friend, my soulmate
My secret keeper, my mood lifter
My better half, my future
Every minute I spend with you is a minute of bliss
All I ever think about is the touch of your fingertips
On my skin and the flavor of your lips

I will always choose you
I will always be with you
Sweetheart, I'm obsessed with you
I can't even think of living without you
Or spending a day without seeing you

You know, I just love everything about you
Your beautiful smile and the way you laugh
Yeah, I'm so deeply in love
Your lips and the way you kiss me
Your pretty big brown eyes and the way you look at me
Your beautiful brown hair and the way you care
Your humor and your weird faces
Someday we will visit the world's most beautiful places
Just you and me
Only you and me

Cupcake, you're the missing piece to the puzzle of my heart
You're my soul and my only love
You're the rainbow in my sky
The sun in my life
You complete me
Yeah, having you in my life completes me

You're smart, you're different
You're unique and so elegant
A little bit crazy and I love it so much
God, I miss your touch
Our bond is greater and stronger than the distance between us
Let me tell you something
Nothing in the world can come between us

Every day that passes by, makes my love for you grow stronger
Higher, deeper, and wider
Glad you're mine
Can't wait for the day I will call you my wife

Before you came into my life
I never knew what true love felt like
Yeah, the day I met you my life changed
The way you make me feel is hard to explain
You always make my days special
You're exceptional

You have made me smile again
Treasure, you made me smile when I'd almost forgotten how to
I love you because you're simply you
I do love you and every little detail about you

Thank you for lighting up my world
Thank you for bringing joy to my heart and beauty to my world
Thank you so much for everything
Amor, you're my everything


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