You Ain't Alone

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I have too many friends
I don't have any friends
It's better that way
I want it to be that way
I like it that way

Was wondering
Never stopped wondering
In fact, I'm still wandering
And that is something quite distressing
Way too depressing

The sound of silence got the charisma that some people will never have
No, you won't understand

Introverted, isolated, bashful
That's right
But, no, no, no
I don't wanna be alone
You hear me
I don't want to be alone

Bro, you ain't alone
You've never been
God is with you
He has always been

My dog loves me more than my family and my friends do
God loves you
Your parents and siblings do love you
I love you
But, who are you?
I'm just you

Some things are still not clear here
Here, right here
I still can't figure it out
Let the slaves go out
Freedom for everyone
One by one
Be number one

But hey, you know
One way or another
I'm gonna know the absolute truth
As soon as possible
Can't it be possible?
Have faith
Anything is possible
Be brave
Nothing is impossible


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