Red Maple Tree

212 17 15

Dear first true love
How dare you?
Leaving me for another
I don't deserve this
Can't believe you did this

You were everything
Now you're nothing
I trusted you
I loved you
I cared about you
You lied to me
You used me
You broke me into pieces
You left me in pieces

We have made so many memories together
We have made a lot of plans together, remember?
I'm always asking myself this
Why did she do this?
But you know what?
In spite of all that
I still love you
And I forgive you
Yes, I forgive you
Goodbye now, first real love

He sent her the note
Then he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger
They buried him beneath the red maple tree they planted together

She read the note
She couldn't stop crying
She blamed herself for everything
At the funeral, she couldn't hold her tears
Her heart stopped beating and you know what that means
They laid her next to him beneath the red maple tree they planted together
Now they're together forever


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