A Farewell Letter

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Hello dear reader, I just wanna say
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for everything

Hear my voice
I don't want to die
I just want to vanish forever
I wish I'd never been born
I'm tired of being broken and torn

What hurts the most
People act like they do love me
You act like you care about me
That's sad
Nobody gives a damn
You know, I'm mad
But I can't scream
Yeah, I'm down
But I can't shed a tear

I can't take it anymore
I'm a lonely kid with broken dreams
Nothing makes me happy anymore
Nothing seems to interest me anymore

I don't want to go to gehenna nor paradise
Sick of wearing clothes that aren't my size
I just want to be forgotten by you
By him, by her
By everyone
And disappear forever

The smile that appears on my face
Covers the sorrow that lies in my heart
I'm sad from deep within
Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, If you cared, you would notice
But whatever
I don't want to live forever

Sometimes I just want to cry at once to feel good
Yeah, I just want to revert back to my favorite mood
But the problem is
I can't
I just can't
There are no more tears left to cry
When is the right time?

Sometimes I miss the old me
I miss the bright, innocent me
Yeah, I miss the happy me
You know, I wonder all the time
Can my heavy heart ever be lightened?
Will it ever happen?

My last words
I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart
I'm out
Yeah, peace out

So, the kid left the letter on his desk
Then he took his red-black leather jacket and left
Nobody knows where he is now
Whether he's still alive or dead

They kept looking for him for ages
He never showed up
Never appeared
Hope he is in a better place
In a better place, that's where he is


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