Defenders (2)

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When I woke up and opened my eyes, I saw that I was still completely covered in my blanket. I was expecting this, so I closed my eyes so I could sleep for a little longer.

But then I noticed the light shining through my blanket.

It was too bright; way too bright for me to be inside my usually dark bedroom. So I quickly sat up, almost screaming when I looked around to see that I was inside an RV.

"Hello!" that annoying redheaded dimwit named Kristie greeted me.

I let out a scream, immediately grabbing my blanket and throwing it over my head, hiding myself from the light and the four people around me.

"She didn't seem like the easily scared type," one of the boys said, and I assumed it was the nerdy one, Anthony. 

I peeked out from my blanket. We were moving, yet all four of these freaks were standing around me. I wondered who was driving, but I wasn't about to ask. I first wanted to find a way out of here.

"This is kidnapping!" I exclaimed, continuing to look around the RV for some way to escape. "My foster parents are going to notice I'm missing and call the police!"

The one boy dressed in black chuckled as he leaned against one of the counters in the RV. "Please," he scoffed. "They barely even knew you existed while you were still living there. You expect them to remember about you now that you're gone?"

Why was this happening to me? What did I ever do to deserve being kidnapped by these freaks?

"Maybe her friends will notice that she's missing," the annoying redhead guessed out loud, and it only made me scowl at her from under my blanket.

"I don't have friends," I snapped at her.

"That's silly!" she giggled. "Everyone has friends."

"Let me correct myself, then. I don't want friends."

Kristie blinked. "But... who wouldn't want friends?"

I could tell that there was no point in arguing with her, so I decided to change the subject. "How the heck did you get me in here, anyway?" I demanded.

Anthony shrugged and jabbed his thumb in Dex's direction. "He carried you."

My breath caught in my throat. "What?"

Anthony shrugged again. "He has super strength."

My eyes formed into slits as I looked at him. "Are you calling me fat?"

"What?" he nearly choked, obviously not expecting me to ask him a question like this. "No! You're skinny!"

"Like we said, we all have powers," Aiden interrupted before anything could escalate between the nerdy boy and me. "You do as well, Violet. You have telekinesis."

"No I don't, so let me go," I ordered, my breath heavy as I started to freak out even more. "Let me go! Take me home! I don't want anything to do with any of you freaks! Just leave me alone!"

The four of them just stared at me, not saying a single word. It angered me even more. I wanted them to take me home.

"Please don't scream, miss," a new accented voice now said, causing me to look around like a maniac in search of the voice. "It really hurts my ears. They're very delicate."

"Who was that?" I demanded, looking around for the source of the voice, though I saw no one new inside the RV.

"That was RV," Aiden informed me nonchalantly.

I blinked at him. "RV? What are you talking about?"

"RV is our... RV." Aiden shrugged, as if there was no other way he could explain it. "He's been in my family for a while."

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