Defenders (21)

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Weeks went by, and Nay was just as strict as ever. We rarely were allowed to leave the DAU, especially unattended, and we hadn't seen Lena since. She probably knew it wasn't the best idea for her to come around anymore.

I still felt weird whenever I was around Dex, and I had no idea why. I chose to ignore whatever I was feeling because it was nothing but troublesome. 

All we had been doing for these few weeks was training. That was it. None of us were pleased by this, but Aiden hated it the most. He wanted to go out searching for Malicius and Lynx.

But honestly, I didn't mind the training all that much. Though I wasn't completely fantastic at my powers, I was better than I ever had been before. We all were better at our powers now, and Hank and Nay noticed this.

“You've all been working very hard these last few weeks,” Nay sighed as we stood before her and Hank in the meeting room. “So Hank and I have decided that it may just be time for your first real mission against Malicius and Lynx. This time, you'll be coming to them instead of them coming to you.”

Aiden fist-pumped. “Yeah! Alright!”

“Now, don't get so excited, Aiden,” Nay now continued, and I knew that there was a catch. “This mission actually only pertains to Kristie and Violet.”

Aiden immediately deflated while Kristie inflated and I just stood there, not understanding what Nay was talking about. Why did she only need Kristie and me?

“There was a tip that told us where Lynx is going to be later tonight,” Hank now explained, and I didn’t know if I liked where this was going or not. “We only want two of you going, and we’ve chosen Kristie and Violet.”

I didn’t know how I felt about this. I didn’t think that it would be the easiest to work with Kristie, but I knew I couldn’t say this. So I just stayed silent and let Kristie talk.

“Where is Lynx going to be?” she asked, saving me from having to do so.

“A club,” Hank answered.

I almost let out a laugh, because I assumed that they were just joking. They didn’t really expect me to go to a club, right? Not only were Kristie and I not even old enough to get into a club, but I was me! Hank and Nay should have known that I wouldn’t be comfortable going into such tiny, cramped space with a bunch of sweaty strangers.

“What are we supposed to do when we get there?” I couldn’t help but ask, since I didn’t really know much about clubs beside the fact that there was drinking and dancing. Not my kind of party.

“We want you to locate Lynx and try to subdue her,” Nay informed us simply now, as if this was the easiest task in the world. “Your job at the DAU is to not kill your opponent. You only need to capture them and bring them here. If you kill them, you’re the one that ends up getting in trouble.”

Believe me when I say I was not planning on killing Lynx. I didn’t even think I would be capable of doing so.

“You both are going to need makeovers before you go,” Nay now informed us, and that was definitely not something I was looking forward to. “You both have to pass as girls who know what they’re doing and go to clubs all the time. It shouldn’t be that hard.”

Nay clapped her hands, and suddenly multiple women dressed in black made their way into the room. Three of them then grabbed onto me and yanked me out of the room while Kristie was yanked by the rest of them in the opposite direction.

I said nothing to protest, mostly because I knew complaining was not going to help me in the slightest.

I was led into a room filled with many mirrors and devices that looked like they were made for torture, but they were really just for your hair. I did not like this in the slightest, and even though the women saw this, they didn’t care.

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