Defenders (7)

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When we stepped into the room, it was empty. It gave me an uneasy feeling, and I didn't like it. Where was everyone?

"Are you just messing with me, Dex?" I accused, afraid that this was just some sick prank that he was trying to play on me. "Because I'm not in the mood."

And it was the truth. I didn't want to have to deal with anything unnecessary, and being pranked was unnecessary.

"I'm not messing with you," he assured me, but I wasn't so sure if I believed him. "Why would I mess with you? There would be no point in doing it now. I'd just get bitched at by Nay. Though Hank would probably laugh..."

That was true, but I still didn't trust him. I knew I was supposed to, since he was my teammate, but I just didn't. I didn't trust anyone but myself. It had been that way for a while.

Suddenly, the room grew cold. At first, I thought that it was Nay, but something just... didn't feel right. It just... didn't feel like Nay.

I looked at the tables to see that frost was starting to form on them. This had to be Nay's doing. She was Mother Nature; she could form ice with no problem.

So when we heard a laugh, I was the only one out of the two of us who froze. This laugh did not sound like Nay at all. It sounded almost... conniving.

More ice began to form on the tables, and other services in the room as well. The machines were being covered, and I was afraid that the ice was going to ruin them. What was going on?

The laughing continued. I looked around the room, but saw no one but Dex. Someone else had to be in here. I wasn't going crazy, was I? At least... I wasn't going crazier, right?

"Lena," a new, familiar voice now called out, and I felt immediately relieved when I saw Nay make her way into the room, Hank and the rest of our team right behind them. "Stop it right now!"

The laughing didn't stop, but the ice did. And right after, a beautiful girl with bright blonde hair and blue eyes stepped out from behind one of the icy machines. She had a wicked grin on her face, and I got a sickly feeling from her.

"Man, you're no fun," the girl named Lena whined.

Nay's eyes narrowed at the young girl. And as I stood there, watching them, I noticed how much they looked alike. I knew they were related. I didn't know how, exactly, but I could tell their relationship... was good, but not the best.

"What a surprise it is to see you, Lena!" Hank called out, immediately wrapping his arms around the young girl and squeezing her tightly. "It's been so long! I haven't seen you since you were just a little girl! You're so big now!"

I saw her smirk over her shoulder. "That's not true. It's only been a couple of months."

Lena was our age, I could tell. She didn't seem very happy that someone was touching her, but she didn't push Hank away. She didn't hug him back, either.

"Everyone," Nay now sighed, signaling toward the younger version of her once Hank let her go. "This is my niece, Lena."

She shot us a peace sign with her fingers. "Yo."

"Wow," Kristie giggled now. I had almost forgotten that she was even there. "She looks just like you, Nay!"

Our female mentor shrugged. "I guess."

Lena now took a good look at our team, as if he was studying us. It made me feel uncomfortable, but I knew there was nothing I could do to stop her.

"Airhead," was what she said to Kristie once she was finished studying us. She then turned toward Anthony. "Geek..." Now Aiden. "Superiority complex..." Dex. "Hooligan..." And then me. "Freak."

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