Defenders (8)

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Dex and I just stood there, practically toe-to-toe, both of us so stubborn that neither of us were budging.

We hadn’t even started the mission yet and Dex and I already wanted to rip each other’s throats out.

“We have to do this or we’re going to have to clean the meeting room,” Dex growled at me, but honestly, a little cleaning didn’t bother me. “If you haven’t noticed it yet, Cinderella, I’m not exactly the cleaning type.”

Well, that wasn’t obvious at all. Not. “I don’t care,” I spat at him now. “I’m not going and you can’t make me.”

He probably could, but I was sure hoping that he wouldn’t. He was strong enough to pick me up and throw me in the trunk, and he was the kind of guy to do so as well. I just hoped I came out of this alive and in one piece.

“You’re going,” Dex told me now. “I don’t care what you have to say.”

“I don’t do carnivals,” I scowled, my arms crossed over my chest as we continued to stand outside the car that had been given to us. I couldn’t drive, but Dex could. Aiden got the RV, so we were given a sports car.

He rolled his eyes at me. “I don’t care what—or who, for that matter—you do or don’t do, but we have to do this. That’s where Nay is going.”

I ignored his gross comment and continued to bicker with him. “Carnivals have too many people at them,” I informed him now, as if this was a fact that he didn’t know. “I don’t like being around too many people.”

Dex looked like he wanted to bash his head against the car door. “I know that, but it doesn’t matter how you feel right now. I am not going to clean that mess that Lena made. I’d rather clean other types of messes she makes.”

I knew he meant something dirty by this, so I ignored it. I knew he was attracted to her, but he also thought that Kristie was attractive as well. Just like every other male on the freaking planet.

“Let’s go,” he sighed now, sitting in the driver’s seat and waiting for me to open the door and get into the passenger’s. I didn’t. “Violet, let’s go.”

“I already told you, I’m not going,” I continued to disagree stubbornly, not moving a muscle.

Dex groaned and pressed his forehead against the wheel. “Why did I have to be partnered with you?”

I agreed with him completely. I wished very much right then that I had been paired with Anthony. Though he was awkward and didn’t know how to act around people, at least he wasn’t a jerk. I didn’t really know how to act around people all that much either.

“Get in the car,” Dex ordered now, but I still didn’t move. There was nothing he could do to make me move from my spot. “Damn it, Violet, get in the damn car.”

My arms tightened over my chest. “Swearing isn’t going to make me want to get into the car with you.”

“If I have to tie you to the roof like you’re a Christmas tree, I will,” Dex threatened me now, not even getting out of the car, though I knew he would if he had to. I stood there for a moment, just staring him down, but then I realized that he really meant it.

So I got in the car, in fear that I would become a new car ornament if I didn’t.

Dex started the car and we both went silent. Neither of us wanted to be together; we would have much rather been with someone else on our team. Anthony for me and then Kristie for Dex. If only we had been switched around.

My partner didn’t even turn on the radio, and I was sure it was because he thought I would complain with whatever music station he chose. And he was right, because I would complain. I could just tell we didn’t like the same type of music.

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