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Aurelia De Luca

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Aurelia De Luca

I woke up the next day, someones arms around me holding me against them like their life depends on it. I try to wiggle out of their grip but that only made them hold me tighter. I sigh and try to look behind me and was shocked at who I saw.

It was Luciano, holding onto me for dear life and nuzzling his face into my neck inhaling my scent. I look at him with wide eyes and just wanted to get out of this bed, though it was comfortable not gonna lie. And he kind of looked peaceful as his chest moved upwards every breath he took.

I decided to just take a pillow and put it as a replacement of mine.

Though nobody could replace me.

And it actually worked he nuzzled his face more into the pillow and sighed as he found his comfort. As I didn't want to wake him up I got up silently and made my way towards the bathroom. I wanted to get ready and eat breakfast, maybe I could look around the area for a bit.

I got into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. After looking at myself in the mirror I'm getting ready to shower, stripping off my clothes. I groan as I see that I was on my period again, some blood being in my underwear. I silently grab some essentials and noticed that I only had a few left, guess I have to buy some later.

I get into the shower and get ready for the day, I hope it's gonna go a lot better than the last days.

After I finished showering, I went towards my closet. On my way I saw that the bed was empty. Maybe he was already downstairs eating breakfast or something like this. I get ready and get some presentable and comfortable clothes on, you know I don't wanna look to lazy but feel comfortable at the same time.

I went downstairs just to see Luciano already sitting at the table, with a coffee in one hand and in the other his phone. I sit down opposite to him and start eating breakfast.

Luciano finally looks up and then down again on his phone, "I have a meeting in a few, so you will be home alone. Don't do something stupid." He says as he types away on his phone.

"I actually wanted to go shopping today," I sighed and looked at him as he halts.

"No you will not." he states as he looks at me and then back at his phone. Connard - Asshole.

"And why shouldn't I?" I ask putting my knife down. I will go shopping anyways, why shouldn't I?

"Because you will not. End of discussion." He said and got up ready to leave for his important meeting. That little bitch. I will not let someone tell me what to and what not to do. And what am I even supposed to do here?

Luciano walks out quickly and I can hear his car driving down the gateway, away to his business meeting.

I sigh and get up, not wanting to finish my food anymore. I will go anyways, so I grab my purse and some car keys and walk to the door.

But before I could even open it, I was stopped by one of the guards, "Miss you are not aloud to go out today instruction from boss." he states and halts one arm out so that I couldn't open the door.

I sigh and look at him with puppy eyes, "I have forgotten some things in my car, can't I get them myself?"

He looks at me and then at the other guard, who nods "I mean yeah, but-" he can't even finish and I'm out of the door on my way to go shopping.

I get into the car and race down the gateway towards the street. And as I was on the streets I could see a car following me, ugh this bitch couldn't even let me have my fun. I shrug it off and drive towards the next mall that I know of.

I park in one of the parking lots and get out of the car, the other car holding directly next to me. The window goes down and one of my personal bodyguards looked at me, "Miss we have to go home-" he starts but I juts glare at him.

"But now we are here and don't tell me that I was driving all the way here for nothing," I snap at him and he gulps. He mumbles something to the driver, who parked next to my car.

"Okay well I think you can go shopping but not for long, and please don't tell boss he will kill us." he said as he got next to me, I nod at him and we walk into the mall.

"You know I never watched your name," I state and look at him. He looks up from his phone and says "My name is John miss." and then John goes back to his phone.

I shrug and went to the first store to buy myself some new normal streetwear clothes. I didn't have much of those and so we went from store to store.

As we were in the second store John got a call from someone who shouted at him so that John was scared. "Yes boss we are on our way home," oh no "yes nothing happened" shit shit shit "no boss, yes I'm gonna give the phone to her," no no no, I shake my head at him but he makes me take it.

"Yes?" I ask a bit shyly, shit why did I have to do this. Why couldn't I just stay at home and do nothing, he had sounded so angry.

"Aurelia," Luciano states sternly, "What have I told you?"

"To not go shopping, but I have a reasonable reason-" he doesn't even let me finish,

"I don't fucking care what reason you have go fucking home, I'm not gonna repeat myself," he shouts at me and I flinch at the sudden outburst of him. Why did he even have to shout at me?

"Yes," I mumble and hung up on him, giving the phone back to John. Well it was a bit fun.

John puts his phone back into his pocket and we both walk back towards the car and get in, driving home. boring home.

Guys I'm done with this book and am planning the next one right now, though at the same time I will be editing this book as I've seen a lot of grammatical mistakes that have to be fixed

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Guys I'm done with this book and am planning the next one right now, though at the same time I will be editing this book as I've seen a lot of grammatical mistakes that have to be fixed.
I've planned to start posting the second book in summer but I can't guarantee anything.
7th of april 2022

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