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When I awoke the next day, nothing had changed

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When I awoke the next day, nothing had changed. Aurelia was still lying next me on the bed, her eyes asleep and a slew of tubes dangling from her arm.

I despise myself for what I've done. It's entirely my fault that she's here right now, and that she might not be able to wake up again. It's entirely my fault. I'm listening to the monitor next to her beep. According to the nurses, this indicates whether or not she is still alive.

The beeping suddenly stops.

"Wait, what?" I begin to feel worried "Please, someone, help me! She isn't- she isn't- " I yell, as I open the door. When a nurse peeked out of the break room and saw my terrified expression, she rushed up to me.

"I- the thing, it- it's not beeping anymore," I try to breath, and she rushes past me. "I'm not- I- don't know what happened." I look at her as she works really fast at trying to get her back. Not much time passes and more nurses rush into the room.

"You must wait outside, Mr. De Luca." As he leads me outside, one nurse informs me politely. I go out numbly, seeing the door shut behind me.

I stand in front of her door, waiting for someone, anyone, to tell me that she is doing well. That she'll be back with me in a few weeks, as if nothing had occurred. It hurts me to realize that I was most likely the cause of this. That I was the one who forced her to starve and maybe die.

I'm ashamed of myself. What do you think her parents think of me? They most likely despise me, as they should.Sofia surely despises me as well, and I am certain she will not let this go till I die.

I hate to admit that, but I feel like crying. For the first time in years, I'm crying. I honestly can't recall the last time I cried. I was maybe ten years old at the time, and I couldn't show any emotion after that. To keep myself, my family, my friends, and, most importantly, my most loved ones, save. 

I did everything possible to protect the person I.... love. But I've only made things worse. I'm such a stupid, dumb and naive person. T he worst person you could ever meet.



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