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Luciano De Luca

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Luciano De Luca

Shit, shit, shit. I ran out of the room she has been staying in, her laying unconscious in my arms.

"Somebody help, call a doctor." I shouted, panicking. I ran down the stairs and found her bodyguards standing at the house entrance, ready for any danger. Their eyes became big as they saw her in my arms.

One of them took his phone out fast and called the family doctor.

God, how could this happen?

Soon the doctor arrived, he instructed me to put her down and then sent me right out of the room. He said that everything will be fine, but I'm not taking it. I have seen her with my own eyes and she looks horrible.

Now I'm standing her, or more like pacing, in front of my room, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell me that everything is fine. Or even better, Aurelia herself. Nut I know this won't happen. I can't do this anymore, my hands grip my hair as I bang my head against the wall.

Why am I so fucking dumb? I obviously hurt her feelings with what I said and did. Why didn't I just stop, why was I so fucking stupid and let some boy tell me what to do. Tell me that I had to push her away 'to keep her safe', even though I could do this without pushing her away.

I am a fucking Mafia Boss.

What would people think when they here that I couldn't even keep my wife safe? They would think that I'm weak.

I get ripped out of my thoughts as the door opens, Mr. Greco, our family doctor, came walking towards me with a sorrowful on his face.

Oh no, no, no, no, no.

Please, don't be....

"She's in a critical phase right now, Mr. De Luca. I, as your doctor, can not do anymore that I'm doing right now, my hands are bound. But I would recommend getting her to a hospital, there will be better and specialized care for her." He states, I'm not gonna put her in a hospital. Do I look like I would give her in some random persons hands?

"I-" I wanted to start, but was cut off by the man. "I know how it sounds, I will of course still look after her and such, but she has to have someone looking over her twenty-for seven, and this can only be provided at the hospital." Mr. Greco says.

I sigh and turn around, taking both my hands behind my back, pacing around a little more. What If I won't bring her to a hospital, and she won't get the care she needs, but then also what if I bring her to a hospital and then some of my biggest enemies can get very easy and fast towards her.

I now know why my father always told me to buy my own hospital. It would just be safer for all of us, to be able to go to a hospital and be safe.

I turn back to Mr. Greco and nod, "Uhm yes, what hospital would you recommend?" I asked, hating the idea of bringing her somewhere unsafe. Well I guess that it can't get any worse.

"I would obviously get her to the hospital that I'm working at," He smiled and gave me the address. "I'm just going to make some calls, and get a room ready. Maybe it would be good to pack some personal stuff for her." Mr. Greco said and made his way downstairs.

I sigh and get to work, taking out one of my suitcases and packing it with everything I think she'll need once she wakes up, and probably will be leaving me. It's not much special things, just some clothes, hygiene essentials and maybe even two or three t-shirts of mine, which she can use. Only if she wants to of course.

After some time, I finally get the courage and make my way towards our bed, to look at her. And there she's laying, peacefully sleeping with her eyes closed and mouth lightly open. She looks very pale, and skinny. Just as if she only consist of bones and skin, nothing more. I really broke her.

Mr. Greco, again, cut my thoughts off, as he walked in the room, his phone still at his ear. "Mr. Luciano, there are some rooms free, which would you want?" He asked, looking at me as I'm standing there.

"The best one that you have should do just fine," I want her to feel comfortable, even though she probably won't feel comfortable at all.

"Okay, the room will be done by the time we get there." He smiled and made his way towards us, checking her temperature, "Thats not so good, her temperature is rising, slowly though." I look at him, my eyes probably as big as an apple.

I don't waste time, taking her in my arms and carrying her, bridal style, down the stairs. Mr. Greco behind me with the suitcase I packed her. I put her into my car, while Mr, Greco gets in his and tells me to drive after him.

It didn't even take us half an hour and we were at the hospital, two nurses were already there, helping us with the suitcase and bringing us a wheelchair, although I'm perfectly fine with carrying her wot her room, which I did in the end.

As we got towards the room, or more like a little flat, I laid her down onto her bed and let Mr. Greco and the nurses do their work. I just stand there watching as they check their temperature and give her countless injections. They take their time and only after I know that they all left, I got myself to look around the room.

The room was simple, one room for the patient, with the bed, sofa and so on, one little kitchen with dining table, another bedroom probably for guests and a good size bathroom. I also have to mention the beautiful view we have. The beautiful New York skyline and then the hospital Parc right in the back of the hospital.

Only now do I notice that I should've packed myself a suitcase, so I could stay here with her.

Guys the book has OVER freaking 600 reads
I'm literally so excited, you don't even understand.
But we also nearly finished this book, next week will be posted the last chapter and then the new book will start, though I haven't really started writing the new one so you have to wait for a bit.

22nd May 2022

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