Chapter 3 - Long Time, No See

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*5 years and 9 moths later*

I groan as I hear little but fast footsteps on our wooden floors towards my bedroom. Why this early... The matress sinks and I feel little hands on my shoulder.

"Up, mummy! My birthday!"

I hear so much enthusiasm and excitement in her voice it's unreal. I rub my eyes and look up at her. Even when she only just wakes up, she looks as wide awake and beautiful than ever.

He hair is brown and so are her eyes. She must have inherited them from her dad.

After the attack, me and Lewis rent out an apartment. I didn't want to buy anything because we both knew it would only be temporary. It's big though and is next to the woods which is obviously very important.

My suspicions were correct and I was indeed pregnant. Darcy Rose Spencer. That's what I called her.

She asked about her dad a few times but all I told her was that I don't know where he is which is true. I didn't want to lie to her.

Throughout the 5 years, me and Lewis were looking for any of our pack members that may have ran away. No luck with that one. We also went back to where my pack was. The place looked like a battlefield and no signs of anyone... Not my pack, not my brother.

You could class me and Lewis as Rouges I guess... Or a tiny pack... Consisting of three people.

"Honey, it's only six-fifty in the morning." I tell her.

"That's okay." She says, smiling. She doesn't seem to understand the problem.

Despite being very tired after getting only 5 hours of sleep, I return her smile and wrap her into a hug.

"Who's the birthday girl?!" Asks a voice in the doorway. Both me and Darcy look in that direction to find Lewis leaning against my door.

"Me!" Shouts Darcy excitedly as she jumps off the bed and runs into the living room, leaving both of us behind.

I laugh and fall back into bed.

I hear Lewis run and jump onto the bed, next to me.

"So, what are the plans for today?" He asks, nearly as excited as Darcy herself.

"I want to take her to the woods for her first training. Then we can go shopping." I whisper. I watch as Lewis' face expression changes from really happy when I mention training, to the complete opposite after I tell him about shopping.

"Shopping?" He asks in disgust and dissapointment.

"Shh!" I exclaim but it's too late.

Darcy runs into my room again. "Shopping?!" She gasps. I smirk at her, she got that gene from me.

Lewis' POV

So here we are, two hours later in the town centre wandering around shops. As soon as the little girl heard about shopping she insisted we went right away.

Not the way I imagined Darcy's birthday but what else, other than shopping was I expecting?

I lean against the wall, hands in pockets as I watch Lexie and her daughter picking some dresses out. They're laughing, smiling... Darcy looks at her as if she was the most important thing in her life. It's heartwarming to watch her admire her so much.

Speaking of which, Lexie doesn't even realise how much love and trust that little girl puts into her.

Lexie changed. She was always quite cocky and smart about her comebacks, she could be a bitch if she wanted to and trust me, after those first 16 years of friendship, I would know. However after that day, after her parents died something in her broke and she shut herself out for a long time. That's until Darcy was born. She changed her but not quite enough. Lexie never quite got back to the way she was.

I escape my trance as Darcy runs up to me.

"Lew! Do I look pwetty?" She asks me after trying on a casual pink dress. She eagerly waits for my response.

I can't help but smile at her. I've always had a soft spot for her and even though she only sees me as her uncle, she might as well be my daughter.

"You look like a princess." I tell her. Her smile widens to show her little white teeth.

"Mummy! Lew said I look like a princess! We need to get this dwess!" She says, now facing Lexie.

"In that case I think we do." She replies, smiling lovingly at her.

Darcy runs to the changing room to take the dress off leaving both of us behind. Lexie looks up at me and smiles.

This is what I'm talking about. The only time you can tell she's actually happy is when she's with her daughter. You can see it in her eyes. Darcy is the only person she truely cares about now.

I instantly return her beautiful smile that I see so rarely now.

I've practically known her for 21 years, as long as she's lived for. I would be lying if I said I didn't have any feelings for her but soon enough, when we find our mates that won't matter anymore so there's no point in even telling her.

Lexie's POV

I give Lewis a 'thank you' smile. He's always the one to make Darcy happy. He practically treats her like his own daughter.

Soon after, Darcy comes out with the dress in her hands and we go to the till to pay. After another few visits to different stores we come back with lots of shopping bags.

I let Lewis pack them in the boot and we start driving in the direction of the forest. We get there in about 15 minutes.

"Where are we?" Asks Darcy from the back.

We rarely take her to the woods because it's too dangerous for her since she's too young to shift yet. I park my car and get out.

"We're in the woods. Today will be your first proper training session." I tell her. She seems confused but neverless happy.

We go deeper into the woods than usual to make sure nobody sees us and me and Lewis start the demonstration.

We show Darcy a few moves and she repeats them. 20 minutes have passed and Darcy now knows how to punch and kick. Obviously she's not very strong but we'll work on that as years go by.

I practice her punches with her when I hear somebody walking our way. Instantly I'm allert.

Then I hear a low, threatening growl. My impulse is to stand in front of Darcy protectively and then I wait with Lewis next to me, ready to attack if needed. After a few seconds, a guy emerges.

We stare at each other until one submits. Even though this is probably his territory, I don't submit. Lexie Louise Spencer doesn't submit to anybody.

It only takes a few seconds for him to look away which makes me think he's probably a Beta or Delta. However then another werewolf steps out from behind the trees. You can feel the power radiating off him straight away. He looks familiar.

He does what the other guy did, we are having a staring competition. His eyes are dark and so is his hair. He's so well built I can't help but look from the corner of my eye so I don't take my eyes off of his. Then I get a weird feeling. It's a weird, amazing feeling and I'm drawn more to his eyes.

And that's when I know.

My mum always used to tell me what it's like to see your mate for the first time. She used to say that at that moment, everything around you stopped, that nothing else mattered.

And nothing else would matter. If it wasn't for the little girl clinging to my leg right now. That little girl that trusts me with her life, that beautiful little girl that made me hold on and not give up on life. That little girl, whose father is standing in front of me right now. He's my mate.

The edges of his lips curve and he looks up and down as if checking me out.

"Long time no see." Are the words that first come out of his mouth that break the silence.

Took me a while but it's finally  up! Not edited.


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