Chapter 28 - I've Always Loved you

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Random update and truth to be told, I am just too excited for this chapter so I'm uploading it now. It's currently 5:17am and I have to go to school *cough hell *cough.
You guys are like my best friends not only readers so can I just say how stressed I am for this? I feel like I'm going to have a panick attack. Writing gets my mind off a lot of things so I thank you guys this is possible because it wouldn't be without (cliche? Maybe).
Anyway here's this chapter, next one will be up the usual Sunday (unless I get this excited more often) so here you go.
By the way, js, the events taken place in this chapter do not mean anything between **** and **** will happen, Lexie does-
I'll just shut up or I'll spoilt it.
Just don't be upset about anything, kay? Okay, great :)

I literally feel the blood from my face head in the opposite direction. Did I hear him right? Perhaps I didn't, I'm sure I didn't.

"Wha- wh-" I can't find my words and I'm speachless.

"Lexie, look. I know Josh is your mate and I respect that. He deserves you and you deserve him. He's the dad of... Two of your children! So now it's too late. But ever since we were little I just grew feelings for you. I didn't say anything because I knew we'd both find our mates and whatever we had wouldn't matter. But for fuck sake I care for you so much! I love you Lexie... And I can't stop loving you."

Lewis' speach brings tears in my eyes and that uneasy feeling in your throat. I feel like I'm about to faint again and I just didn't want to hear what he told me. He should have kept that to himself.

"Lewis..." I manage to say which gets his full attention. I realise he's not crying but the rim of his eyes has started to turn red and puffy.

"I liked you too... I loved you too." I continue. He looks pretty shocked to say the least.

I let off a nervous laugh. "I always thought you were so hot, all the girls in our old pack adored you for your looks and position in the pack. You were almost like a brother to me... You always cared, you always put me before you. How could I not love somebody like you?" I ask and at that moment I realise I'm not only asking him but also asking this myself.

"Fuck... This is so messed up." He says. This just makes me laugh out loud and I don't know why, it must be all this worry and nervousness that I've been keeping in. Lewis is just smiling down at me. After I've stopped laughing, I look up at him.

"You don't realise how much I love to see you laugh." He comments. The only thing I can do is smile at him, the smile left over from your laugh.

"My life is so miserable without you in it, Lexie. There is no life without you that I see... But I'm going to have to live it that way." Says Lewis.

"You were there for me when my parents got killed, Lewis." I say, now more seriously with no humour in it. I take a deep breath. "I cannot thank God enough for bringing a person like you into my life." I finish.

Lewis isn't looking at me anymore. He's looking down at his hand which is still rested with mine. Then he leans down above my face and presses his lips on my cheek.

"I have to go..." He tells me as he starts retreating to the door.

He stops in his tracks though when he's halfway and stands there for a split second. Then he turns around. "Fuck it, scrap that. I guess I don't respect your relationship." He mumbles under his breath and the next thing I know he's got his lips on mine and his hands are cupping my face.

I don't kiss him back, I know it's bad and I shouldn't. The kiss feels so right yet so wrong at the same time. I deny the fact I want more because the only person I should be wanting more from is Josh and nobody else. Fate put me with him and that's the person that means the world to me except Darcy and now this baby. Lewis... He meant the world to me but I don't think I could look at him in the same way anymore.

"Why do we always have to watch Barbie movies?" Wines Lewis.

"Because I have the whole collection. I have every movie on CD." I reply.

"But why can't we watch like... Spiderman?" He asks.

"You don't have to watch them with me, Lew. You can go home and watch Spiderman." I tell him, smiling at him.

"But I like spending time with you." He replies.

"Well then Barbie it is."

"Barbie it is..." He repeats, resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you." He mumbles.

"Love you too." I respond, now focusing on the movie.

That was when we were eight years old. He told me he loved me... And I said it back.

"I hate school." I mumble. "I hate people."

Lewis takes care and precaution to clean the yoghurt out of my hair.

"They didn't do it on purpose." Says Lewis.

"That's besides the point, I still have dairy in my hair." I reply.

And he can't hold it back anymore, he finally laughs. And even in a situation like this, I laugh too. He flicks water onto my face and I try to dodge it but fail. We're both laughing really loudly as I take my water bottle and squirt the water at his face. He grabs hold of my arms, used one arm to wrap it around my back, hugging me so that I don't move and using the other to take the bottle out of my hand.

"What is going on here?!"

"O-oh." Says Lewis, as both our heads turn to the principal by the doorway.

As we follow her to the office where she will determine our punishment for 'vandalism', Lewis puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me towards him and nearly tripping me up. He wants to tell me something without her noticing.

"I hate you." He whispers.

I bite my lip to stop myself from bursting with laughter at the situation.

"You love me really." I whisper back.

"Damn, you know me too well. I love you really." He tells me. Our faces are really close to each other and all we do is grin at one another.

"I love you too." I tell him, meaning every word I said.

And that was when we were fifteen when we got into huge trouble for practically flooding the floor and making loads of noise. I liked him at the time. I liked him a lot but knew - thought - he would never like me in the same way. We were best friends. There was never anything romantic going on between us.

But now I know.

Now I know that every time Lewis told me he loved me, he meant every word as much as I meant mine.

Not gona lie, this chapter I surprised myself with. Wasn't planned but that's how it went. Maybe this changes some of your perspectives, maybe not, who knows. I decided there WILL BE A SEQUEL. Hope you guys are happy :) Some people said they thought it would drag the story a little, majority said yes and thinking about this myself, I like the way the storyline for that will go. If you don't want to read the sequel, by all means don't and just consider this story finished at the last chapter and I will include an epilogue of what would happen a few years later if the sequel never existed, I think, maybe, undecided, tell me in the comments if you think that's a good idea.
Damn, I'm rambling a lot now. This is what I do when I'm nervous and God I am soooo nervous! Why does a place like school even exist? I hate first days back... Or any days back... I'm shaking...
Okay ily, bye :)

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