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june 16, 2020
MELODY WALKED INTO THE chateau and everyone smiled when they saw her. "long time no see" john b joked and she smiled. "its been a few days" melody sat down next to kie. "so why were you at the camerons?" jj asked. "im wheezie's babysitter" melody answered and everyone furrowed their brows.

"since when?" pope questioned.

"since a few days ago i guess"

They drank some beers, smoked some blunts and laughed. Melody ended falling asleep on pope.

june 17 2020
Melody felt someone playing with her hair and she opened her eyes and squinted at the light. She had a terrible headache. She groaned in pain. "morning" pope whispered and melody snuggled into his side. "my head hurts" she mumbled and he rubbed her back. "hey john b can you get some advil for mel?" pope whisper-shouted and john b got up and got the bottle of advil and threw it to pope. Jj handed pope a glass of water and pope nudged mels arm and she sat up. She took an advil and chugged the water. She didnt even drink that much, so it wasnt a hangover, she figured it was probably stress or something. Her phone chimed and john b threw her phone to her. "moms home, not in a good mood" from jacob. She sighed and got up. She gathered all her stuff. "i gotta go my moms home" she announced and everyone nodded. Everyone hugged her and jj walked her out to her car. "bye jj" he kissed her forehead. "call me if you need anything" he said and she nodded before driving away.

She parked in front of her house and walked up the steps to her house. She opened the front door. Melody heard a door slam and she flinched. Jacob came downstairs and melody wrapped her arms around him. He sighed into her shoulder and she rubbed his back. "jacob! is your sister home?" taylor shouted from the second floor. "yeah!" jacob yelled back and then they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "im leaving for california tomorrow, and i have a important package coming tomorrow at 3 so i need you home to get it" taylor announced and melody sighed. "jacob is working tomorrow and ill be at the camerons" melody spoke, but immediately regretted it when she saw her mother turn to her with her eyebrows raised.

"well i need that package, so you'll be home to get it, i dont care if you have to be at the camerons, you'll get my package" taylor argued and melody decided to talk back.

"mom we have work, its just a package, ill be home at 6, so i can grab it then" melody defended and jacob fiddled with his hands.

Taylor glared at her daughter and melody spoke again. "its just a package, it can wait",Taylor rolled her eyes.

"no it cant, melody, so you better get my fucking package you little shit!" taylor yelled and slammed her hand against the counter.

"dont yell at me you bitch" melody walked towards her.

Usually the fights between melody and taylor would include, taylor getting mad, melody arguing back, taylor hits melody, melody would sometimes push taylor but that would usually end with another hit.

After melody called taylor a bitch thats when taylor's hand came in contact with melody's cheek. Melody grabbed taylors wrist and out of impulse melody's fist landed on her mothers face. Jacob grabbed melody and pulled her back. Melody's hand flew over her mouth and her eyes widened, she had never gone that far, and the two have had worse fights, but melody never punched taylor. Melody ignored the pain in her knuckles and grabbed jacob's hand and her keys and they ran into her jeep, ignoring taylor completely . Melody hissed in pain when she touched her knuckles but started the car and started driving. Jacob always felt guilty when melody would take the hit for him and he hated watching the fights between the two. Melody drove to the chateau and parked a few houses down so the pogues wouldnt see them. She fished her phone from her pocket and texted jj. "how do you clean bloodly knuckles lol?" she texted and her and jacob sat in her car in silence.
A few minutes later jj replied, "why are you hurt? is jake hurt? do you need me to come get you?" melody giggled at his concern and looked over to jacob who had a few tears on his cheeks. "hey hey, im so sorry you had to see that, and im sorry pushing her buttons" melody grabbed his hand and rubbed circles on it with her thumb. "jj's coming" jacob announced and pointed to his rearview mirror where they saw jj running to her car. "shit shit shit, dont say anything" melody said and got out of the car. "melody, you okay?" jj asked, worriedly. His eyes caught her blood stained knuckles first before she could respond. "what the hell happened?" he asked and she nervously chuckled. "welll, you seee we were at the beach and this touron was flirting with jake and then we found out she was 18! so we got into a little fight" she lied and rambled. "damn okay, come with me ill clean it for you" Jj said and jacob got out of the car and followed them into the chateau.
"hey guys?" pope greeted, confused and saw jj pulling melody to the kitchen. "what happened to your hand?!".

"melody punched a touron" jacob lied and him and melody made awkward eye contact.

"you what?" kie asked, coming into the kitchen with concern all over her face.

Jj cleaned her hand and cleaned a little cut on her cheek from one of taylors rings. John b came home from the camerons, excited that jacob and melody were both at the chateau but, also confused. "jake!" john b and him hugged. "hey john b", john b ruffled jakes hair and he smiled. "mel, damn are you okay?" john b asked and grabbed her face in his hands and wrapped his arms around her. She blinked away tears and when he pulled away she gave him a fake smile.

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