Part 53

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Oct 28 | 6:12PM

Kayla Stupid Bitch
I think I'm in trouble

Madam Eula
Ano nanamang trouble yan
Jusko kayla wag mo ako pinapakaba

Kayla Stupid Bitch
It's about Jarvis

Madam Eula
Kayo na?

Kayla Stupid Bitch

Madam Eula
Eh ano yang mga late night talks
Pagsundo sa rizal at paghatid ng cake?

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Hindi pwede?

Madam Eula
Come on kayla
Aminin mo pag ibang tao yan di mo gagawin
Jusko bumaba nga lang sa lobby para salubungin ako tamad na tamad ka pa

Madam Eula
So ano?
Kayo na?

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Why is it so natural to you?
I've known him for like what

Madam Eula
Di ka pa ba natuto
Wala sa tagal yan
Yon ngang limang taon

Seen 6:16PM

Madam Eula
You know
Just enjoy things while they're here
No need to worry about the future kayla
Sa kap-plano mo, napagiiwanan ka
For once jump in without looking or second guessing
You might like it

Kayla Stupid Bitch
What if I don't?
My emotions aren't stable enough to deal with pain
Natatakot ako kasi alam kong wala akong kontrol sa emosyon ko

Madam Eula
A lot of things require pain
You just have to know which one is worthy of it

Madam Eula
And honestly
I prefer you right now
The kayla before jarvis, she was a train wreck

Kayla Stupid Bitch
I don't know eula

Madam Eula
I don't want to put more pressure on you
Whatever you decide to do, I'll go with it

Madam Eula
You two understand each other anyway
You'll know what to do

Madam Eula
But seriously kayla
You're one lucky girl
Of thousands
He chose you


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