Part 67

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Nov 28 | 06:45PM

Madam Eula
So what's the feeling?

Kayla Stupid Bitch

Madam Eula
Of your boyfriend's name all over social media
Grabe ang hype sa new album nila

Kayla Stupid Bitch
They have such supportive fans

Madam Eula
I've heard some intriguing news from my sources

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Here we go again

Madam Eula
Sharing is caring
There's at least eight songs right?
But you know what I've heard?
Jarvis wrote an entire song

Kayla Stupid Bitch
I didn't know that

Madam Eula
Do you realize how big of a deal this is?
It's his first solo composition

Madam Eula
There's several audio samples the band posted
But jarvis song has no hint whatsoever
Not even a title released

Kayla Stupid Bitch
How do you even know all of this?

Madam Eula
I interviewed them for my article

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Why do I feel like you're close to the band?

Madam Eula
I'm close to everyone hello?

Madam Eula
But seriously
You really don't know about this particular song?
Even the members couldn't give me any hint

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Just ask jarvis?

Madam Eula
Nakipag bargaining nga sakin e
Bigyan ko daw siya ng mga college pictures mo

Kayla Stupid Bitch
You don't have one

Madam Eula
You know how frustrating that was?
Specially it's you who hates taking pictures since time immemorial

Kayla Stupid Bitch
So bibigyan mo talaga siya kung meron?

Madam Eula
Ipapakita ko lang sana
But forget about it
Aren't you curious about the song or their activities?

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Not really
I only know those what jarvis updates me

Madam Eula
You've always been like that

Kayla Stupid Bitch
Like what?

Madam Eula
You know
You wait for whatever is given to you
You never demand, never ask
Everything is okay for you even if it's not

Kayla Stupid Bitch
I don't want to appear needy just like before

Madam Eula
Sayo na mismo galing
Jarvis is the opposite of every man in your life
So don't let your past fears ruin what you have now


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