Chapter 11: Don't Let The Hardware Bugs Bite

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"Mmmmhhh..." Ajax weakly groaned all of a sudden while a soft frown marred his handsome facial features.

"Are you... are you awake, Ajax?" Shannon asked him with hope as she leaned towards him a bit. She was sitting on a chair beside his bed, where he lay unconscious. "You've been..."

As she did so, his eyebrows got lax and his mouth became still and devoid of strength.

"... knocked out for quite a while," she added whispering while she lost her joy and hope once more.

"It's too early for him to wake up, Shannon," Ragna whispered to her while packing up her medical equipment.

The soft, golden glow of one single light on the nightstand illuminated a rather plain but modern bedroom decorated in white and dark yellow hues. To Shannon, he seemed fragile under that gentle light.

Or maybe it's just the fact that he's lying on his new bed, naked but for these white bedsheets, Shannon thought while she stared at him and a faint touch of crimson coloured her cheeks. Damn this well-built chest, and these well-sculpted arms, and this thick neck, and this strong jaw and face, she mentally added while softly biting her lower lip.

"That viral dart that Nekari has shot at him is serious business," Ragna went on seriously. Shannon paid attention to the wound on his exposed chest once more. It wasn't oozing any more silvery puss, but his skin was turning dark purple all around the dart's puncture. "I've used a strong sedative on him besides the antivirals and painkillers. But don't worry. He's strong. He'll wake up soon and he'll be as good as new... I hope."

Shannon stared at her sister-in-law. She didn't like how those two last words had sounded, so forlorn and concerned.

Ragna's ability to lie was unexistent. She was always straightforward and honest in everything she said and done. Therefore, admitting to holding on to hope as regards Ajax's well-being felt like the digital sky over Browser City was falling on Shannon, getting crushed under the hellish rain of pixels that would mean the end of their home and world.

"I hope so too," Shannon replied, whispering feebly. She turned her eyes from Ragna to Ajax.

It might mean the end for us if he's not awake and fully functioning soon, Shannon thought with dread and worry while Ragna exited Ajax's bedroom. But if he becomes a virus, then... Damn.

"Ragna, would it be possible to use the antivirals you've just given him to make a malware become an antivirus again?" Shannon asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. A virus isn't the same as a malware. Why do you ask?"

"Nekari is responsible for turning Pitt into a malware. He used to be an antivirus."

"So, you're suspecting that, if we manage to give him a cure, he could go back to normal. Is that what you're suggesting?"

"Is this idea too far-fetched?"

"I'll see what I can do," Ragna replied as she exited Ajax's bedroom.

Shannon sighed when she was left alone with him.

Just like Shannon had told Ajax in the kitchen, his bedroom was located on the eighth floor. Right across hers, in fact. She had failed to mention that on purpose before. She had felt embarrassed to say the words.

He would've found out about it himself eventually, Shannon thought. Why should it matter that I hid this from him? Why... why am I feeling regret? It's not where his bedroom is located and not telling him the true cause of it. I know. It's... it's because I couldn't fix his gun. If only I had immediately led him to get a new gun... maybe now...

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