Chapter 3

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As we finished eating I grabbed their plates and put them in the sink while I washed them, Shelly came up beside me.

"My dad always says the cook should never clean, so I've got it." Shelly said with a smile on her face,

"I mean are you sure Shelly? You're the guest after all." I said and she nodded which I wouldn't argue with her because she seems set on cleaning the dishes,

"alright so the boss is hiring you for sure this time we're gonna give you a ride to the like city like town." Ethan said as Shelly finished putting the dishes away she followed not so long after as I grabbed my keys and locked up my big mansion.

As we drove to where I will be working, as I was excited as I'll be dancing at this club bar place. I'm not too sure what it was called, but what I do know, is that the woman that will be teaching me some basics her name is Mimzy.

~time skip brought to you by a radio broadcast~

As we arrived, it turns out my father and mother hired Shelly and Ethan to watch over me. Of course being in the mafia, means extra protection.

As my now known body guards walk me to the club, a little blonde woman was dancing on stage with some jazz music playing. As I stayed back and watched, I noticed she pulled a handsome looking man on stage.

Which I decided to get closer, as they were dancing together like they've known each other for along time. Heh Anthony would have loved this, if only he was here right now... I thought to myself, which I was snapped out of my thoughts by the crowd clapping loudly as I felt like my eardrums were about to burst.

Then out of nowhere, my body guards guided me to the backstage, as the little blonde lady was taking a shot to I guess freshen up. As we walked up to her, she turned around and gasped.

"Oh my god! You must be (y/n) the new recruit, I'm Mimzy! I'm so happy you flew all the way from New York, New Orleans isn't what you're used to!"
"But we've got a swing you New Yorker would love, why do I say you? Because dearer, you seem like you were in the wrong place!" Mimzy spoke, which she was right... Maybe she's right about Anthony too?...

"I-Oh! Heh it's that obvious isn't it?" I spoke, which Mimzy nodded.

As Mimzy gave me a tour around the club, and gave me a few tips on how things work around here. As she said our boss, is an ass and he will rape anyone of his employees if they misbehave.

But she said, if he knew that one of us were in a mafia wouldn't last very long if they didn't get their shit together. Which my skin went pale, as I was part of a mafia... But that's exactly why I moved, to get away from that life.

"Oh and this right here, is Alastor! He's very popular, some even say he's famous!" Mimzy spoke, breaking my mind away from my thoughts.

"Oh Mimzy, you know I am if you are on the radio! Down here in New Orleans, I'm very well known for my radio broadcast!" Alastor spoke, which I recognized him. He was dancing with Mimzy on stage earlier, which I blushed. As he looked even hotter up close, which I started fidgeting as I started to feel nervous.

"Oh Alastor! Well honey, this is my newest recruit! Her name is..." Mimzy stopped mid-sentence, and side eyed me.

"Oh it's (y/n)..." I spoke, which Mimzy seemed happy.

"Oh right, sorry darling I sometimes forget names!" Mimzy giggled, which Alastor did too.

As we all had a quick conversation, a few minutes later me and Mimzy had to go backstage. Which Mimzy, had to teach me how they dance here. She said it's almost, like strip dancing. But instead of taking our clothes off, we just use the pole sooo it's basically pole dancing.

Which I wasn't too sure if I was comfortable, with this.. But Mimzy said it wasn't too bad, she said if I get close with one of the guys. They would kill for me, and when she meant kill for me it wasn't a metaphor... It was physically, they would actually kill for me..

"Ummm I don't want to be a cause of anyone's death, couldn't they protect me less violently...?" I asked, which Mimzy thought for a moment.

"Well if you don't want to deal with murders and all that shit, honey go for Alastor. He's the sweetest guy out there, get close with him and he'll protect you in his own way!" Mimzy spoke, which I signed out in relief.

Just one thing that got caught up in my mind, was what was his way in protecting me? I mean if I were to get close to him, which honestly Alastor seems to be my safest route.

But why would they let some men into this club, like if Mimzy said they would kill for me. Then why are they letting murderers in here, like do they let rapists in here, do they let kidnappers in here?...

I'm starting to regret my life choices already, maybe I would have been better staying in New York with my family.. but I gotta stay calm, and see how this will go if it's shit then I go back to New York. Unless I can't, then wait-

My contract is for minimum two years, well fuck.. I'm either totally fucked, or I'm totally fine. It depends, but I hope me and Mimzy are gonna be best friends..

"Well dearer, your first performance is at 7:30pm and you have to keep these guests entertained by your dancing for about half an hour to an hour! Don't worry though, if you need help I'll help you!" Mimzy spoke, as she put her hand on mine to reassure me.

"Heh thanks Mimzy." I exhaled, as I felt safe around her. Heh who knows, maybe I don't need any man. Maybe I'll just have Mimzy, and our other coworkers.

Mamá I'm in love with a Criminal.. (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now