10. Making Friends

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I cannot believe that I am actually going to be in a movie.

Not only that, but I am going to be playing a Princess.

This amazing sense of euphoria crashes down upon me at this realization.

I awkwardly stroll up to the gate of the filming lot.

Whoa! This place is huge!

"Name?" A man asks from inside of a small white booth

"Delaney Carson" I smile at him

His eyes briefly scan over a piece of paper on a clipboard before he scribbles something down with a pen.

I patiently wait as he does this, staring around at everything like a kid at Disneyland for the first time.

"Your first time on a film set?" He asks

I turn to face him only to notice that he is staring at me now.

I chuckle awkwardly at this.

"Is it that obvious?" I joke

He teeters his head from side to side as he pretends to think of an answer.

"It's pretty obvious," he admits

"Oh! I need something to confirm your identity" he asks

I do as he says and retrieve my drivers license from the pocket of my black sweatpants.

I waste no time as I hand him said license.

He thanks me as he compares my driver's license photo to a photo he has attached to his clipboard.

Curiosity takes over me as I peak over the clipboard only to notice that there is a photo of everyone who is going to be on the lot.

Wow. That is an interesting way of making sure everyone is accounted for.

He returns my driver's license to me with a bright smile.

"Good morning Miss Carson, I hope that you have a wonderful day" he compliments as he presses a button that opens the gates to the lot

I thank him before I stroll through said gates.

'Ahh!' I yell inside of my head so that I am the only one who hears it

It takes everything in me not to jump up and down with excitement.

I do think that I have ever been so excited for a new business venture before.

"Delaney Carson?" I hear someone yell out my name

I turn to face the direction that the voice is coming from only to notice a thirty year old woman making her way towards me.

Technically I have no clue if she is actually thirty years old.

As I wait for her to catch up to me I not so secretly trail my eyes over her body.

Her hair is slicked down into a low ponytail that rests against the back of her black shirt.

In one of her hands she is holding a script, similar to the one that they gave me actually, while in the other hand she is hold a hot cup of coffee that she got to-go.

"Hi! My name's Gigi, I'm the director of this movie." She smiles as she approaches

My eyes wide the slightest bit at her straightforwardness.

"Hi Gigi, I am so happy to be meeting you" I tell her honestly

The two of us respectively shake hands before releasing our grip on each other's hand.

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