Chapter 8- Hershey's Kisses

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"PLEASE!!" -Lorelai Grambs

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"PLEASE!!" -Lorelai Grambs


I just finished showering and brought Anna Karenina, the book I'm currently reading, with me as I attempted to find Libby in this big house.

Orion remained in my room, with the doors fully closed and the windows covered with a bunch of curtains. "Mike, where's Libby?" I ask after a few minutes of pointless walking. He didn't speak, instead he walked ahead of me. I followed him and widened my eyes at the scene we saw once we arrived.

Nash was touching my sisters face, "What's happening?" I asked and looked at Ave for an answer. She shrugged and Oren opened his mouth to speak, as if he remembered something after my sudden appearance.

Oren told Libby that she needed to speak with this guy named Hector about her security details, I hurried over to my sister and gave her a tight hug, after what I found out this morning, I didn't want to let her go anywhere without me or Ave. "I love you." I whispered in her ear as she returned my hug. 

Libby was then led away.

"Leave her alone." I heard Ave tell Nash, the both of them were conversing but my attention was drawn away by a sudden thud. 

Another thud and then a crash. They must've heard it too because their voices piped down.

Nash rolled his eyes, "This should be fun." he began striding toward a nearby hall. He looked over his shoulder. "You kids might as well tag along. You know what they say about baptisms and fire."

I had no clue what he was talking about but I pretended I did. My twin and I followed him to the end of a long hallway. He threw the doors open and I expected to see a WWE ring or something similar. Instead I saw Grayson and Jameson standing on opposite sides of the most stunning library I've ever seen.

I shared a look with my twin and we knew, either of us could live here and never be persuaded to leave. I examined the shelf closest to me and saw every book was a hardcover with a dust jacket on. I took a book out and read the synopsis. It was about rich private school kids hunting down the poorer kids for sport. I smiled to myself. How fitting.

I remained hidden in the shadow of Nash until I heard him mention me and my sisters name, "And leave Rory & Avery here with you two knuckle-heads?" I felt the room shift suddenly, as if Jameson and Grayson just noticed we were there. I froze with the book in my hands like a deer caught in headlights.

I reached up the shelf to return the book, but my copy of Anna Karenina decided to escape the hold of my underarm on it. It landed on the ground with a soft thud and I let go of the book I was holding to pick it up. The hardcover fell on the floor with a louder thump and I crouched to take both books off the floor and place it back to their respective places.

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