Chapter 14- Swiss Miss

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"Thank you, I love you!" -Lorelai Grambs

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"Thank you, I love you!" -Lorelai Grambs


Grayson held my hand as we ran back to my room with him leading the way. We stupidly fell asleep in the astronomy tower. The heat of the morning sun woke me up earlier, could I even call it morning sun, maybe mid-morning is a better word. The heat of the mid-morning sun woke me up earlier, I was laying on Grayson's chest and didn't move for a while before remembering that I had fucking school today. So here we are, half awake, messy haired, and running through the halls of the mansion.

He stopped abruptly making me bump against his arm, "We're here." he said through pants. I nodded and let go of his hand, well tried to. His grip on it tightened when I attempted to let go, Grayson lifted my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "This is my gentleman way of saying go get ready for school and that I'll be waiting out here for you to finish." he said with a smile.

I ran into the room and slammed the door, my back leaned against it and I blushed like y/n from wattpad nearly forgetting to start getting ready. I walked into my closet and saw they placed my uniform on the white plush sofa by the side. I wore the school skirt and hastily put on the blouse. I ran to the bathroom to wash my face and put my hair in a low bun. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I swore as I spritz some perfume I found on the counter onto my neck.

I fixed up my uniform as best as I can. "This is good enough." I said and pet Orion on the head briefly before walking out of my room.

Grayson was still there and somehow looking even more put together than I was, this is insane. I grabbed his hand and ran down the familiar path towards the front doors. "Hurry up, I'm late." I exclaimed and heard him laugh, not chuckle but laugh. "Who's fault is that?" he asked.

"Yours, if you were just less comfortable I would've woke up earlier." I said and stopped by the doors. I fixed my hair and uniform before opening them. Thankfully there was a car out in front waiting for me, "Rors!" I heard Libby shout from behind me. I turned to see that she was running, "Your backpack, I made your lunch." she said and handed me the black bag. I kissed her cheek as she heaved up and down. "Thank you, I love you!" I shouted while Grayson pulled me into the car.

I forgot I was supposed to be mad at her.


Once we arrived at school, Grayson followed me in with fixed hair and decent looking clothes. "Lorelai Aerin Grambs." he answered the woman at the front desk, she handed me my schedule and locker number without saying anything else.

Grayson glanced at my schedule and held my hand as he led me to my classroom. I wanted to stop and stare at everything but we didn't have time. "Here we are." he said as he stopped in front of a door with a little glass window. He opened it for me, "Sorry she's late." he said with an even tone at the same time I said, "I'm so sorry I'm late."

The teacher recognized Grayson immediately and smiled at him, "It's all right." she said and motioned for me to come inside, "No point in punishing Ms..." the teacher started. "Lorelai Aerin Grambs." he answered for me. I glared at him and elbowed his side, "I can speak for myself you know." the class judged quietly.

"I know, don't elbow me or I'll elbow you." he muttered back at me, "Elbow me then, I triple dog dare you." I replied with a smile. He shook his head in amusement, careful not to smile. Grayson placed an arm around my shoulders which was surprisingly easy because of how much shorter I was than him. I'm not saying I'm short, actually I'm 5'7 but this asshole rock next to me is probably like 6-foot 3-inches full of stones.

"Sorry about her." he said and cleared his throat. The teacher just smiled and welcomed me into the class, "We won't punish you Ms. Lorelai Aerin Grambs. It is your first day after all." she accentuated the 'is'. Grayson took his arm away from my shoulders and pinched me so I naturally pinched him back. "Childish." I whispered only for him to hear before I entered the classroom and smiled. "It's for luck." he said simply with a tiny smile.

"I'll be taking my leave now, thank you for your time." he said and shut the door. Can he come back? I was scared shitless of everyone.

ok thats it bc im too lazy to continue this chapter </3 idk if therell be a next one tho 

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