Chapter 32- M&M

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"Drink that

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"Drink that." -Oren
(reminder: i am a SIXTEEN yr old w a laptop and a wattpad acc, so sending hate through messages isnt at all necessary)


Another bang.

The bullet landed on the ground beside me. I almost tumbled back from the shock as dirt splashed onto my cheek. I threw my hands over my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, no longer running to my sister. 

I pretended I was somewhere else, I hated this. I hated Hawthorne house, I want to go home. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Mike. Avery was being escorted somewhere by Oren while two other men that came with our bodyguards had their guns pointed to where the shooter could possibly be. 

Mike held onto me tightly as we walked. Grayson was a few feet ahead, being shielded by someone as well. 

"You're lucky the attacker has horrible aim." Mike tried to reassure me but I couldn't stop thinking about the what if's. What if he had amazing aim? What if he managed to shoot Avery in the heart? 

I wouldn't be able to live without my sister, I needed her more than I needed to breath.

There was a dull ache at the back of my head, I touched it lightly and pulled my hand back to see nothing. I was getting paranoid, with Avery getting shot and Harper threatening to burn the house, it was only a matter of time until I get severely hurt, or worse, killed.


My sister and I were shot at, but only she got hurt. I hated that, I'd rather it be me than her. If only one of us gets to keep the inheritance then it has to be her. 

We were both sitting down, our hands clasped tightly together. 

Neither of us were talking but I could feel her trembling beside me. I think I was too, but I can't be extremely sure since my mind kept wandering off. I took shaky breaths to try and calm myself. Grayson and Jameson were both leaning against a tree on opposite sides of each other.

None of us spoke, Avery leaned against my shoulder as we waited for someone to get us and bring us back to the house. I shut my eyes and placed my head over my sisters. 

I heard the screeching of cars, the doors opened and slammed shut. I heard Oren give them some coordinates of where we were shot at. I still haven't explained to Avery why Grayson and I were there. 

I gripped my sisters hand tighter, hoping that we won't argue over this when it all dies down. 

"Come on." someone placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Mike. Avery and I both stood up, still holding each other. 

Grayson held the car door open for us as we both got in. He shut it and walked over to the other car that arrived to sit with his brother.

My sisters other arm moved slightly to accommodate the compress she had to hold against her chest. I felt the car move forward, I glanced outside the windows to see the trees that Jameson and Avery have marked. 

My eyes stopped on the one that they crowded at, there were words carved on it in a not so professional looking manner. 

Tobias Hawthorne II


We made it to Wayback Cottage.

It was nearer to us than the main house was so I figured that it made sense.

Mrs. Laughlin placed a cup of tea in front of me and Grayson, the both of us were on the couch. I eyed the drink but didn't take it. I couldn't see Mr. Laughlin anywhere, who's to say that they both weren't trying to kill us.

My nerves were calmed, I didn't feel an attack about to happen but Grayson stayed alert beside me, casually asking if I needed water or if I needed some fresh air. 

I knew it was wrong of me to start suspecting him but, fresh air? Really? After I just got shot at outside? 

I watched Oren and my sister converse, before I knew it, his hand was on the bark. My eyes instinctively shut for me as I heard the light squelch of flesh being touched. I inhaled a sharp breath. 

I opened my eyes again, only to see a needle being pushed into my sisters skin while Oren sewed the bark wound back together. My sister kept looking at me, I stood up and hurried over to her, ignoring the white thread that turned a deep crimson after going through her tanned skin. 

Avery kept her eyes closed for the rest of the time Oren played surgeon. My sister tightly gripped my hand while I tried not to look at her wound.

But what if Oren would sabotage us? What if he really wasn't stitching her back up together? Is he even qualified to do this?

I sighed and decided that I would watch him sew her wound just to make sure he wasn't only making it bigger. I winced every single time he inserted the needle. It must hurt to have your skin be stitched up.

When Oren finished, Avery was handed a cup of tea. It smelled wrong, like alcohol or something. "Drink that." Oren ordered my sister, tidying up the thread. 

Avery's hands were shaking, I looked down and noticed that mine weren't so I helped her calm down just the slightest. I wasn't allowing myself to have a panic attack or freak out while my sister bled. She got hurt, not me, I could deal with my emotions later.

Avery frowned at the cup of tea whiskey, she didn't trust it. I took a deep breath and lifted the glass to my lips, I sipped it  just a bit to show her it was fine. Not even thinking of my own safety. I placed the tea back down and started coughing violently. Whiskey burned. 

Someone rubbed my back, Mike. 

My sister looked between me and the drink before downing it all. If it burned her throat, I wouldn't know because she didn't show it.


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