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"Have we met before?"

She paused. "Matax told you?"

That bastard. But my hesitation was a failing because she struggled with something to say.

"Do you know me?" I demanded.

When her eyes met mine, they were sincere and true. "No. I do not."

A part of me caved in and crumbled inside my chest.

"Not the way—"

"Very well." I ignored the rest of her useless words and stood to my feet. "But apparently, I know you. I—"

A hand caught mine. It was cold to the touch. She looked up at me, earnest and weak. "But I want to. The fairy queen and king—"

"Are enemies," I reminded her.

What she said next stole my very breath.

"We don't have to be."

It was the way she said it. Such certainty, such tangible longing. I nearly forgot myself.

One thought brought me back to my senses. "You're a married woman."

She gasped.

The way she cast her eyes downward took me by surprise.

"I hadn't thought fairies cared much about that. You least of all."

I did not appreciate her tone. "Explain yourself," I demanded.

But instead of paying me proper respects, she looked up and around at our meager lodgings. The fur coat above caught her eye and she considered how to retrieve it.

"I'm talking to you," I reminded her.

Still looking up, she propped her hands on her hips and muttered, "Yes, I suppose you were."

Her first jump was pitiful. How could she call herself a fairy much less the queen of all Fae?

Pity it wasn't a title she could earn rather than one gifted to her. As she gripped the snow and began to climb, I watched her, defeated.

She was born human, she'd said, but the fact that she was the fairy queen was no prize. It sounded grand. And yes, we wielded immense power. But it wasn't for our own doing. It was in servitude of Manoj.

Human royalty served their people in name only. Creatures of magic given a title did so as a marker of our power. Few foolish humans knew that it also indicated a prisoner.

I was bound to Manoj, to serve him for ever more. At the time of our covenant, I feared death and I feared life and ran from all in between. This servitude was mutually beneficial.

But the fairy queen was something else. She was Manoj's creation and so she had no freedom. Ever.

So how did a human not only become fairy queen but one that was such unskilled?

Someone sold her—gave her as payment. And that meant one thing.

"You're cursed," I whispered.

A small yelp proceeded a thud as she fell from her climb. Seconds later, the fur coat landed above her.

This was certainly going to be a long night.

Rather than fight her way free, she sat in the coat in quiet contemplation. The way she periodically looked high above at the night sky answered as to why.

In sport, I glanced up, and said, "Perhaps the night Fae will find us and snatch you away before the light of day."

She did not like that idea and chose to ignore it. "Are we safe for the time being?"

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