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Another pair of goblin eyes scanned me up and down, followed by a grimace. I did not care.

In fact, I re-affixed my kilt and held out my hand, more than bold. "Yes, yes, I know. A fine specimen. My hearthstone if you please."

This goblin slapped the stone in my hand with a grumble before walking by with a cage on wheels.

"That, children, is why you never trust a rotten fairy."

I turned and called after them, "I heard that."

Off to the side, the princess stood, arms crossed. I was surprised to see her so pensive when I pulled the top of her dress open and replaced yet another stone.

"The last one kept longer than expected," I assured her but this time she did not give me that weak, polite smile of hers. "What?"

She stared after the goblin then said to me, "It's awful what I'm asking of you."

"Nonsense. I'm a fairy. I've been naked longer than clothed. Besides, as we Fae do love a good double cross, this is becoming somewhat fun."

My words didn't convince her. I was certain she noticed. The deeper we went into the tunnels, the meaner, stingier the goblin.

As I patted the stone in place, she caught my hand. Brows knitted together, she begged, "Let's stop. Let's go back. I've never met a goblin before now. And if it's truly as dangerous as you say, which I now believe, then let's go back."

But I didn't think that were possible. It wasn't just that the stones were fading faster, her ability to endure the cold when they lost power was unbearable to watch. The last time, I feared she would faint.

Besides, we were so close.

I pointed, "Beyond there is the elf enclave. Look how many stones we have. Seven of them. Even three fully charged with elfin magic would suit us just fine." I opened the pocket of the kilt and showed her. "Is it really all right to turn back?"

When she'd said there was a front to this blasted skirt, I hadn't believed it. The fact that it had a pocket had made me laugh upon discovering it. No laughter left me now, not with everything being so close in reach.

"The elfin king is a captured fairy who I'd tricked into bedding an elf." The amusement in my voice made her raise an eyebrow at me. I cleared my throat and boasted, "Come. It was rather clever of me. You see, he had tried to challenge me for your hand—for a fairy queen's hand—but didn't have the power."

A light went on in her eyes. "So turning into an elf would put him on par with you?"

This time I let the laughter come. "So he'd thought. You see, it's rare few who can gain my power. And fewer still who'd have the sense of how to use non-fairy magic to make a proper impact. Ha! But I let him believe he had a chance. The fool realized it too late. As soon as the elf got a hold of him, it was instantly over."

Speaking of over. I held my knees to keep from doubling over in my laughter.

Those big brown eyes on me got wider and wider, horrified. Now, I regretted unearthing these glow stones as we walked. Better to not witness her disapproval.

"We're dead," she muttered, turning to face the wall. "We're simply dead."

And then she threw up her arms, determined to carry on with her lament if not for my leaning back against the wall, watching her.

"How are you so calm?" She reminded me, "You have no magic, nor do I. And we're who knows where. In a tunnel—"

"Robbing poor, naïve goblins. Yes. I am aware of that."

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