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After getting over the shock of the loud squeal that was just next to him, Ciel looked at Elizabeth confused.

"Wait... you know Lady Carrington?"

With a happy expression and her balled fists near her face, Elizabeth turned to Ciel, nodding happily.

"Do I know her! Of course I know her! We were best friends!"Elizabeth exclaimed.

Ciel turned his eye to Isabellena - who now had her eyes casted down on the table - going to ask her a question, but before he could open his lips, Elizabeth was already making her way towards the quiet girl, set on a mini interrogation.

"Lena!"Elizabeth called, using the almost long forgotten nickname that Isabellena used to hear everyday,"Where have you been? I have not seen you in years!"

Isabellena said nothing as she continued to stare at the pristine, white table cloth, a sick feeling making its way to her food deprived tummy, being as silent as a mouse.

"You disappeared just like Ciel did all them years ago!"Elizabeth grumbled but turned happy again."Do you remember me? It is me, Lizzy!"

Isabellena said nothing once more, and when Elizabeth went closer to ask more questions, a hand shot out to prevent her from stepping any closer to the pale Lady.

Following from the hand up the arm to the face, Elizabeth locked eyes with agitated and annoyed, dark pink ones.

"I am very sorry, but it seems that My Lady is not feeling well at this moments..."Nicolas then slowly let go of Elizabeth's wrist, standing up to his full height and crossing his arms behind his back."... in fear of getting her any sicker, please excuse my master.. it would be best if she was to lay down..."

Everyone - except Isabellena - then turned their attention to the young Lord, who was now giving Isabellena a once over.

It did worry him that her skin was so pale, and that she seemed to be lost in her own, terrifying little world, but he didn't know if she was always like that or not.

Sighing, Ciel nodded,"That is fine. It would do no good for her to be laying sick in bed...."Ciel stated before glance at his butler who stood beside him,"... Sebastian, help Nicolas take Lady Carrington up to her room-"

"Pardon me, My Lord... but i assure you that i can take care of my master just fine... beside, I am sure he is much more needed here with your new... guest..."Nicolas almost growled out the word as he shot a quick glance at Elizabeth, but was able to reign it in for Isabellena.

He knew he would have gotten a long scolding from his master if he didn't.

Ciel went to protest but Elizabeth agreed almost immediately - running back over to him, as Nicolas helped his time frozen master up and out of her chair.

"It is nice too see you again, Lady Middleford... why dont you join Lord Phantomhive for dinner. Goodnight Lord and Lady..."Nicolas said and then he disappeared out the dining room doors with Isabellena.

Ciel said quietly through the squeals that constantly shot out of Elizabeth's mouth from being able to eat dinner with him.

"Oh~! This will be so much fun~!"She cheered, sitting in the chair that was just once occupied.

As dinner was brought out, only thoughts of the quiet girl filled Ciel's mind.

Isabellena seemed just fine minutes before, why did she suddenly seem to fall ill? It wasn't the food because the food wasn't served yet. It wasn't the stress of the case, he's read of the numerous cases - easy and mind boggling - that she solved all on her own.

So why did she suddenly look sick?

As Ciel thought of that, his eyes landed on the bubbly blonde girl across the table from him, who was eating happily and gossiping with his butler.

Then a small plan started to form in his mind, and Ciel started to smirk lightly.

Setting his fork down, Ciel leaned his cheek on his hand,"Hey... Elizabeth...?"He called out, getting the said girl attention instantly.

"Yes, Ciel?"

"If you do not mind... since you seem to know Lady Carrington... why don't you tell me about her?"Ciel asked,"If you want to, of course..."

Elizabeth's eyes widened, but she quickly nodded.

"You want to know about Lena?...Sure! I will tell you everything!"

Ciel just wasn't going to let his little... pet... get away so easily...

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