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In a cloud of dust and most likely mold, Ciel stepped back in a coughing fit waving his hand infront of his face.

"My Goodness! How much does this thing weigh!?"

For the good part of half an hour Ciel had been trying to move the curtain separating him from Isabellena. Though for whatever reason the stupid piece of fabric would not move. When the mystery man had yanked it so effortlessly, Ciel had figured he could do the same. Turns out Ciel figured wrong. The only thing he has managed to do was move dust around.

From the other side Isabellena sat crouched against the brick wall staring down at the dirt around her feet. She had long since left Ciel to do his own thing when after her third attempt to convince him he wasn't going to do anything.

In a grumble Ciel kicked the curtain one last time before huffing and going to sit in a position similar to Isabellena's.

"We need to find a way out."

"Then we will not achieve what we were ordered to do."Isabellena replied like it was obvious.

Ciel rolled his eyes and crossed his arms."Have you ever thought maybe this is not the London Fours? We could very well be wasting our time."

".. I am well aware.."Her tone had switched back to it's usual quiteness, making it hard for him to hear.

"And so you are just going to sit here?"

"Even if they are not London Fours... this group is still kidnapping people off of the street... Very illegal..."

Ciel sat silent, but rolled his eyes anyway. She was right but Ciel wasn't going to admit it. It has been a few hours since the mystery man had left and not a peep has been heard coming from the door in which he had disappeared. He was hungry and he knew Isabellena had to be starving as well.

Breathing in deeply before climbing to his feet, Ciel made his way over to the front of his cage and gripped onto the bars and yanking at them, making a loud clanking noise.

"Hey! You bastard! Hey!"

Hearing this Isabellena's head shot up, her eyes wide. Was Ciel really serious right now?

"Hey! I'm talking to you! I know you can hear me yelling! Come out here!"

Isabellena jumped up and scurried to her side of the front."What are you doing?"

"I am starving and I know you are too. I am going to get us food."Ciel's mimicked tone made it seem like his answer was the most reasonable response to call back a kidnapper and alleged murderer.

"We should wait until-"

The sound of the darkened door creaking open silenced them both. Both pairs of eyes turned in the direction of the noise.

"Did somebody ring?"

The mystery man had return and his ever present teasing tone was still there.

Isabellena assumed the character of a helpless girl as Ciel squared his shoulders.

"We are hungry."

From Ciel's point of view the man had not stepped out from the darkness so it was hard for him to go off his reaction.

"Oh is that so?"

Ciel nodded,"If you plan on keeping us captive here, do you not think we deserve something to eat. We are starving."He added.

"That so...?"

Ciel felt a vein swell in his forehead at the man's uncaring tone."Yes that is so."Bastard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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