Chapter 34

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You were passed out, you wanted to get out of Texas. You didn't feel anything, you were out cold. You didn't feel anyone picking you up or yelling help.
You kept trying to open your eyes, but you couldn't. You looked like you were sleeping.

Random man: Get this little lady to the hospital!
You were put into an ambulance and you didn't know it. You didn't feel the ambulance driving down the highway, speeding trying to help you. You were then trying to speak.

Paramedic: I think she's trying to say something.
You: D....dean.
Paramedic: Dean?
You couldn't say another word. When you said Dean, you felt it drain your energy.
The paramedics then try to call Dean and they got a hold of him.

Dean: Hello?
Paramedic: Hello, is this Dean?
Dean: Yeah, I'm Dean Winchester.
Paramedic: Your daughter has collapsed. She's dehydrated and had heat stroke.
Dean's eyes went wide.
Dean: Is she going to be okay?!
Paramedic: Come to the hospital. We are at (random hospital name) in Dallas Texas.
Dean: I'm on my way.
Dean hangs up his phone, he runs out of the bunker.
Sam: Dean?
Cas: Where are you going?
Dean: My baby girl needs me. She needs her daddy.
Dean runs to the impala and he starts the impala's engine. He then speeds off from the bunker, leaving Cas and Sam.

Dean's thought: Don't worry baby girl, I'm on my way. Daddy is coming. I'm sorry for letting you go.

You were in the hospital, the doctors and nurses were trying to hydrate you.
You kept trying to open your eyes, but you couldn't. Your breathing was coming back to it's regular pace.
Doctor: She's going to be okay.
Your breathing was back to normal, your heart beat was regular. You then open your eyes.
You: Where am I?
Nurse: At the hospital. You passed out from dehydration, starvation and heat stroke,
You: Oh.
Nurse: Just rest.
You: Okay.

You then close your eyes. You didn't know that Dean was coming to get you.

Dean made it to Texas, he runs to the front desk.
Dean: Which room is y/n Winchester in?
The nurse: she's in room 120.
Dean: thank you.
Deans goes to your room. He sees you resting, he then grabs a chair and sits beside you. You open your eyes.
You: Daddy?
Dean: I'm here baby girl.
Dean had tears in his eyes and he smiles at you.
You: Daddy.
You sit up and you hug Dean.
Dean: what were you trying to do?
You: I was going to come home. I don't like it here.

Just then your grandparents came in and they saw you and Dean hugging.
You: Daddy, I want to come home.
Dean: Your grandparents will take great care of you y/n. I would be a horrible parent.
Your grandfather: No you wouldn't be son.
You and Dean look at your grandparents.
Your grandmother: It was a mistake to bring Y/n here. She obviously belongs with you.
You then smile.

Dean: Get some rest. Tomorrow we'll head back home.
You: Okay daddy. *smiles*

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