Chapter 40

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Sam was bandaging up your cuts. When Sam would pour the alcohol onto your cuts, you would bite your lip.
Dean was waiting for you and Sam.

After Sam was finished with your cuts, you walk past Dean and you go get changed. You then see a picture of your family. Your brother Kendall was holding you in his arms. It was the last picture you had with them.

You then read the back of the picture.

"I love you baby sis. I will always be with you. -Ken Ken xoxo"
"Be a leader. Fight for what you believe in. Don't back down. Be the fighter I know you are. love you my angel - Dad. xoxo"

You then read what your mom put. You could feel tears.

"Y/n, my beautiful baby girl. My daughter. I'm so proud of you. I will always be with you, I will always be in your heart. I love you so much. -Mommy xoxo."

You then wipe the tears.
You: Mommy... I need you.
You then broke down. You cried. You tried to be quiet, but it was hard. You kept yelling at yourself.
Dean, Sam and Cas hear you.
You then look at your mirror and you look at your reflection.
Dean then runs to your room and he hears you yelling.
You then punch your mirror.
Dean opens your door and you pull your hand from your broken mirror and you place it in your desk.

Your hand was covered in blood and there were some pieces of glass in it.
You: Don't show I'm weak. Be brave. Face your fears.
Dean: Y/n!
You then look at Dean.
You: I'm brave daddy. I'm your brave little girl.
Dean runs to you and he examines your hand.
Dean: Y/n, you're gonna need stitches.
Y/n, why did you do this?
You: I need to be brave. I need to face my fears.
Dean: Baby girl, look at me. I didn't want you to shut off your emotions. If you're upset or hurt, you can tell me, Uncle Sam or Cas.
You look at the ground.
Dean: Now let's get your hand all stitched up.
You stay quiet and Dean picks you up, startling you.
Dean: Come on baby girl.
Dean was walking to the bathroom and you were struggling to get out of his grasp.
You: My hand doesn't hurt daddy.
Dean: Nice try baby girl.
Dean then arrives to the bathroom. He puts you down. You looked at your hand.
Dean then crouches down in front of you and he pours the alcohol over your hand.
You wince.
Dean begins pulling out the glass that was in your hand and he began stitching up the wounds.

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