Amara's Bio

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Name: Amara

- Mara
- Amy (By her friends)
- Annie (By King Julien; Wrong name)
- Lion Girl
- Tough Pants

- Unnamed Father (Deceased)
- Unnamed Mother (Alive)
- Zuba the Lion (Uncle/Alive)
- Florrie the Lioness (Aunt/Alive)
- Azizi the Lion (Cousin/Alive)
- Alex the Lion (Cousin/Alive)

Age: Young Adult

Height: Same height with Florrie

Species: Lioness


Voice Claim: Michelle Rodriguez

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Voice Claim: Michelle Rodriguez

Eye color: Sapphire Blue

Hair color: Caramel blonde

Personality: Strong-Willed, Aggressive, Skillful, Stubborn, Feisty, Protective, Headstrong, Stern (At times), Daring, Serious, Gentle, Kind, Sweet, Caring, Motherly, Sisterly, Compassionate, Understanding, Loyal, Flirty, Agile, Quick-Witted, Curious, Fearless, Fierce, Selfless, Confident, Determined, Short-Tempered, Sarcastic, Adventurous, Carefree (Sometimes), Fun-Loving, Tomboyish, Mischievous, Strict, Independent, Imaginative, Free-Spirited, Rebellious, Sassy

Likes: Her family, Her friends, Fighting, Fruits, Music, Dancing, Pranks, Punching, New things, Adventures, Travelling around the world, Her cousin Alex, Games, Hanging out with her friends, Challenge, Being respect, Truth, Forgiveness, Friendship, Lorraine

Dislikes: Hunters, Danger, Her friends or family are in danger, Being weak, Her insecurities, Being injured, Lies, Unforgiveness, Makunga, Arguments, Evil and Mean humans (Except Lorraine), Selfishness, Arrogance, Cruelness, Bullies, Traitor, Betrayal

Skills/Abilities: Combat Skills, Martial Arts Intuition, Peak Condition (Ex. Strength, Durability, Agile, Flexibility and more), Craftmanship, Master of Acrobatics, Master of Gymnastics

Others about Amara:

- Her name meaning Grace.

- Her bighest goal wants to be a Lion Warrior after the death of her father. She trained years and years to become a fighter. However, she forced to become a helper just like all the Lioness and none of the lions and lioness didn't support that instead.

- She and Azizi had a Brother-Sister Relationship.

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