Chapter 9

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Lauren’s POV

Life was great. I don’t think life could be any better right now. My grades started to go up in school. I get to call the most beautiful girl in the entire world mine. Camila and I talked about intimacy a couple of times and it doesn’t bother me anymore.

Today I went to Camila’s house after school, as I did most days. We would just talk, sing or read books to one another.  It started to get late so I headed home. While I was walking my phone rang. “Hey Luis what’s up?” I answered my good friend.

Luis was the one who introduced me to drugs in the first place. I use to be a bully but drugs I guess saved me. Every time I took them I didn’t want to harm people. However ever since Camila came into my life I started using them less. I only now use them when I go out to parties. Mostly cause Camila doesn’t like it.

She never told me to stop doing it because she doesn’t exactly know I still do it. I was from my past reputation. She thinks I changed and probably stopped. However this break up we just had made me remember why I did drugs and how great they make me feel. It gives me some type of relaxation. Sometimes the world would spin, I would see a thing that aren’t there and that was the fun part.

Ever since I got back with Camila the day of her birthday party I tried to stop, but I can’t. I crave it every day. I stop because I know if Camila finds out she will be disappointed. A girl like that doesn’t approve of my life style. That is why I keep it so hidden.

“Were all going to the Rave tonight, you should come. It will be fun” his voice changed in the last sentence. I knew what he meant instantly.

“You know I would love to but, I don’t know I just got my girl back less than 2 weeks ago I don’t think I should ruin it” Although I was highly tempted. He always had the best stuff.

“Has she found out that you do it?” he asked.

“No, but-”

“Then what’s the problem? How long you been with her?”

“A little over a year” I respond.

“She’s been with you for over a year and she hasn’t said anything. So she doesn’t care or you are that good at hiding it. You will regret not something Jauregui and you know it”

I was really considering it now. He has a point. Camila hasn’t noticed because I do it when I’m not around her. She doesn’t have to know right? Eyes that don’t see heart that doesn’t feel. “Alright, I’ll be there in 20”

“That’s my girl” he said before he hung up.

I texted my parents letting them know I would be late. They didn’t mind me going out as long as I didn’t do anything illegal. Since I’ve never been caught I was always allowed to go out.

I ended up going to the club. I know I’m a minor in high school but I was allowed in because I had connections. I dance, talked, drank, smoke but most of all I did drugs. The one specifically I did tonight was a pill. I don’t exactly know what it was but I never felt more alive.

The music was loud the crowd was wild. My pupils were dilated. I had guys and girls dancing on me like if we were having dry sex. It was amazing. To have our bodies be in rhythm with someone else was really turning me on.

I finally got home. I made sure everyone was fast asleep. I hurried to my room as quitly as I can so I wouldn’t be questions but mostly so they wouldn’t notice what I was out doing. I charged my phone and took a quick shower and got ready for bed.

When I lay down I noticed I had 2 missed calls and a text message from Camila. I promised her I would call her as soon as I got home. But obviously I didn’t because I was out clubbing and doing the thing that got me through rough times. I opened the text message.

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