Chapter 14

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Camila's POV

Today is the day. The day my life is shattered into a million pieces. If I couldn't say goodbye before I can't say goodbye now. I thought I couldn't love Lauren more than yesterday but after last night I felt more loved then I have in my entire life. More in love then the time Lauren asked me to be hers again at my surprise birthday party. More loved then the time my dad bought me my first bike. More loved then the time I realized I won, I won because I got the hottest girl in school all to myself. I got her to fall in love with me and share everything with me when no one in school could come close. I was her everything and there is no better feeling.

People talk about sex like it's such a thing of lust. Yes, I never wanted Lauren more in my life but No. We didn't have sex we made love. When I see movies of people going to bars and hooking up I know they don't touch each other the way Lauren did that night. Not only was I physically connected to her but also emotionally.

At the end of the day I could be wrong, maybe it was just all lost and the feelings were all in my head. Maybe I am dead wrong, but if something like this feels so good I don't ever want to be right.

We were just outside Lauren soon to be old house; she was getting ready to leave. It might have seem like we had enough time to say goodbye but no amount of time will be enough time to say goodbye to the one you love.

"Hey now, hey, Camz, please don't. Babe, look at me" she said as she lifted my chin and kissed my cheek. "We talked about this Camz, a proper see you soon, because this isn't goodbye."

"I know I know, and you said we will talk every night and video chat once a week. But I will miss this" I looked at our hands interlaced and kissed her hand that was on my cheek.

"I'm going to try to visit okay, once every two months; I can try to convince my parents to let me drive down here ok. I don't want to see you like this. Now let us say goodbye before my parents rush us and say it for us"

I took this moment to admire her beautiful eyes, her lips the way they quiver when she tries not to cry. Why does it hurt so much? I mean were still very much in love and together, but it felt like it will be an eternity before I get to hold her again.

This must be how the wife and family of soldiers feel when their loved one says goodbye to go fight a war. They say here wondering if he would ever come back. They wonder when will be the time to hold them again. That's how I felt in this moment, doubting every second because the future isn't promised. Even is our future is already written in our hearts.

I couldn't admire her as much as I want to because I heard a honk coming from the car. The love of my life looked at me and connected our lips.

"Bye babe, I love you, together remember?"

"Together. I love you too baby"

There she was inside her car. Her parents waved goodbye and she blew me a kiss. Her eyes connected with mine one last time. In that moment is as she expressed all her love for me when she looked at me. But then finally the van drove away to what seemed like 50 billion miles away. Just like that, she was gone.


Lauren's POV

First day. I feel like a little kid again, starting all over at a new school. Wall and people I never seen before. The worst part was I didn't have the love of my life standing by her locker waiting for me to literally sweep her off her feet and kiss her.

I walk into this new school of mine with a big smile on my face just thinking of Camila. Bitter sweet moment actually because then I just remembered how lonely our days would be without each other. I guess in some way this will be a good thing for our situation. My parents told me once that we wouldn't be so independent on one another. As much as that could be true because we would spend almost every minute of every day together, it's hard to process.

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