Chapter 15

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Camila POV

Another day at school and it's the same thing, people walk by talk about the latest gossip of who is dating who. Even though at school to everyone else I am not at the top of the gossip, my friends like to think that I am the most tending topic right now. Ever since Lauren left they like to think I am some kind of lonely person who doesn't have their life together. They are my friends and I know they want the best for me but all I care about is getting through this year so I can finally see Lauren; she is my one true love.

I went to my locker before class to get my books that I needed for that day. Nothing out of the ordinary until I suddenly I felt someone approach me.

"Hey Mila, I was wondering, would you like to go to the school fair with me this Friday?" the soccer player with his lettermen jacket asked me as I closed my locker door. Which was odd because he was probably one of the cutest guys at this school and as much as I would like to go on a date with him I was very much committed to Lauren I couldn't do that to her.

"I'm sorry Ryan but I can't" I tried my best not to break his heart. But my heart belongs to someone else.

"Alright I get it, too soon, have a good day" Just like that he walked away. I sighed and walked to class. I sat in my usual spot next to my friends. He wasn't trying to be a jerk about it but how else would someone act if they just got rejected?

"What happen out there Mila I saw Ryan talking to you" Dinah asked.

"He asked me to the fair but before you say anything I said no" I took out my notebook and started writing down the objective.

"He is the hottest guy in school and doesn't have that ego for it. You need to get out there." Normani jumped in.

"Guys please not thing again, as much as I would like to I can't. I'm committed to the love of my life Lauren I can't do that" I tried talking as low as I can without interrupting the class.

"You can't wait for her forever." Just like that the teacher shot us a look to be quite. Which I'm quite thankful for because I don't know how much more of this conversation I could take.

I couldn't stop thinking about what they said. I am missing my chances with other people here at school because I'm waiting for Lauren. What if she can visit next month like she said she was going to try? Then she will go out to college and being with her is all I want right now but how can that be if I can't physically be with her.

Today Lauren was the only thing on my mind; we don't talk like before we are always both so busy with school projects and friends. We can't really talk about us because it turns into a conversation of just waiting. How long can I really wait to hold her again? Not to mention I have been craving her so much.

The night we spend together making love was the best night of my life. I have her to blame she makes me so horny. I caught myself smiling thinking out our semi dirty text and little conversation we have over the phone. Maybe after all it is worth waiting for. I love her and I know she loves me. Is it enough to make a long distant relationship work right?


Lauren POV

I came home today after helping the senior class committee prepare for Fridays pep rally. It was one of the biggest events at school because it where we recognize all athletes and to be honest it's mostly about the free food and music.

Every club from school helps out by pitching in with some type of food. There are food stands everywhere and the hottest latest Dj on the radio comes and plays music. Almost like a festival. I know it's my first year here but I been to one two years ago with Erica; it's incredible and an honor to be a part of now that I am here to help organize.

Our Story is Forever (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora