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April 29th, 2023

Hi guys, long time no see! Enjoy this chapter, I'm planning on finishing this book, thanks for all the support!

Edit: no I'm not finishing up yet, I'm too invested myself haha

Don't forget to check out my new book: 'Yours sincelery,...' !



Louis dropped himself onto his bed. The last days have been so confusing.

He doesn't seem to have his mind straight. Ever since Harry practically moved in with him, he's been a total mess.

When Harry walks by smiling, when he puts his hand on his shoulder, it's like his stomach is also bursting with butterflies.

He's not stupid, he knows what's going on here and he's not particularly happy about it...

Not because of Harry, but because it's complicated. If only Harry never said he's gay too...

Well its actually a good thing as well...

Louis grunts and takes his phone out of his pocket. He tries to distract himself, but he can't and soon the phone is on the floor next to his bed.

If he were to keep his distance from Harry... The idea already gives him a lump in his throat, that wouldn't be fair to Harry and it's not what he wants at all.

But what should he do then? He doesn't even know if the feeling is mutual...

'But that doesn't really matter either, everyone always does it for the fame.' At that thought he immediately feels guilty, Harry is not like that and perhaps that is why Louis has fallen in love with him, because he is different... and oh so beautiful.


"Louis, why are you stressing, it's just your aunt and sister!"

Louis spins around and almost drops the huge stack of plates he has in his hands. "It has to be perfect!" To make it clear, he shoots Harry a death stare.

Harry stands empty handed and watches as Louis rambles through the house.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Lou?"

Louis sighs in frustration, he knows what he is going to say is wrong, but after long days of thinking he has decided to create a little distance between him and Harry, just to be sure...

"Getting out of the way would be a possibility! They're coming over here because of you!"

A look of pain appears on Harry's face. "How is that my fault? And isn't it nice to have your family over?"

Louis throws stuff down on the kitchen table. "Not if they want you to go out with your bodyguard!"

Harry starts to get angry. "Louis what's your problem?!"

A tear runs down Louis's cheek as he utters that one word, the word he never wanted and should never have said. "You..."

Fighting back more tears, he sprints out the door, soon followed by Harry.

Because of all the emotion he does not experience where he is walking and soon he ends up at the gate at the front of his house.

Paparazzi soon swarm around him and start climbing over the fences, realizing that there has to be drama to catch on camera here.

Harry sprints towards Louis and becomes furious when he sees a paparazzi start tugging at Louis' coat.

Louis becomes dizzy as he starts to see black stars before his eyes, but manages to stay awake...

He sees how Harry pushes the paparazzi aside and takes him in his arms, lifting him up.

He quickly walks towards the house, but not before whispering, "The feeling is mutual, we'll discuss it later."

And after a small smile appears on Louis' face, Louis his eyes close, the darkness taking over...

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