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"You alright?" Louis walked into Luke his office, fiddling with his hands. Luke wanted to talk to him, without Harry and just the two of them.

He was a bit skeptic about that, but Harry was just outside the door since he still needed a bodyguard, but he also just liked the idea of his presence nearby as his boyfriend.

"Yeah hello Louis, thanks for meeting me at such short notice." Luke spun around in his chair and once stopped clasped his hands together on the desk he was sitting behind.

He gestured Louis to sit down. "No worries, was wondering what you wanted to talk about."

Luke hummed and nodded, leaning forward slightly. "You know your tour is coming up, I mean it will take a while for it to start but we're already still preparing and writing."

Louis exhaled deeply. "Cut to the case, just go straight to the point, Luke. The things you're telling me are facts, I got a bad feeling about this."

His insides of his stomach were turning, everything seemed to flip upside down just due a gut feeling.

I wish Harry was here to hold my hand and squeeze it to reassure me like he always did...

Luke closed his eyes for a second. "I don't know what to do about you and Harry, when you came out it was kinda a big deal because we didn't know what to expect from the outside world but we want you to be free, I'm just trying to think about what we're going to do about 'larry stylinson'.

Louis smiled slightly. He knew what 'larry stylinson' meant, it was a combination of his and Harry's name, a ship name the fans had seem to given them.

Luke continued. "They all seem to like the idea of you two being together but Louis, I just want you to be safe from the other, mean side of society. Your career is thriving like crazy and we want to keep it that way," he said and Louis took a moment to take in all the information.

He bit his lip. "I get what you're saying, but what are you implying? You're circling around the matter, not getting straight to it. We're running around in circles here."

Luke opened the drawer of his desk and placed some papers on the desk. "I want you to get a new bodyguard at first, we need to step up and get things under control, Louis. His name is Liam Payne and I heard amazing things about him, he's known to protect celebrities and worked with Kyle as well." He showed the papers with information about this 'Liam'.

Louis gasped. Harry, not as his bodyguard anymore? What did that mean? What would come from it and happen?

"Surely you understand that this is not going to happen, right?" Louis tightened his grip on the arm rest of the chair, his knuckles white from squeezing and gripping it so hard.

Luke looked outside, the busy streets of London to be seen. When you looked at it you saw people, the street and it's life was alive.

Louis wanted to feel alive, the feeling he got when he was with Harry.

"Harry can still be your boyfriend, but I feel like you need to take a step back and get away for a while. The media want to have interviews with you to ask more about you and Harry, and they're not focussing on you and your music anymore. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing personal and it's nice they are interested and love to see you two together and your love story but I feel like we're getting off track." Luke explained.

Louis thought about what Luke said for a moment. "I get what you mean, but I'm happy with Harry and we just adjusted to keeping this a secret and making sure I'm happy and at the same time keeping up my career and making music."

Luke licked his lips and bit the inside of his cheek. "I get that, but I think we're moving into the one direction you both need to go, the hard part is over I believe. It's only getting better and I think Harry and you genuinly are a strong couple that handled this like a champ and overcome this struggle, it's time to get things straight and enjoy. You will be free again Louis, this time with Harry."

Louis smiled. "I would love that, but Luke, talking about setting things straight and talking about me and Harry at the same time is truly something. You with ur straight talk, I'm gay for Harry." Louis grinned.

"Oh I'm in for a hell of a road." Luke groaned.

"You knew what you signed up for. Alright, what are the next steps?" Louis then questioned, pretty satisfied with where this conversation was going.

Luke scratched his chin, his beard getting longer by the day it seemed. "You're going to New York, with Harry and I will arrange a place to stay, give you the opportunity to talk about Liam and introduce him. You need to get along of course and he only will have to be around you outside like when you have concerts, radio interviews or going from one building to another, Harry is a bodyguard himself so it will practically be the same, still glued side to side but at times a third wheeler with you with events, not when you take a run and jog around the park, well it would be nice to have hazz with you at those times still, though at least until everything calmes down a bit, but I'm sure you two will always be together anyway."

Louis laughed. "It's no punishment for sure, you want me to finish the songs I've written so far?"

Luke nodded. "Exactly and I want you to go record them in the booth at times so it's half a holiday, see it as a winter holiday with your boyo."

Louis happily hummed thinking about that. It would mean they would spend their anniversary there as well, so he had to get creative and ask what Harry wanted to do, see if he got any ideas and then just say 'ah I was just thinking the same' and Harry would see right through him, of course he would. Only Harry could and knew him like the person he is, the real Louis. Just the best.

Only the best for his boy. He may be sassy, a singer and clumsy at times, but those flaws made his amazing and just 'Louis' in Harry's eyes.

"WE'RE GOING TO NEW YORK, BABE," he yelled and grinned, opening the door and Harry stumbling through the doorway, obviously eavesdropping with his ear against the door.

"You're one of a kind Louis Tomlinson." Harry groaned, smiling up at Louis from his place on the ground where he seemed to be pretty comfy now he was with his boyfriend.

Even on the ground feeling content and happy, it's surely something else, aren't we all?


Hi sweethearts!

Vibesssz fr!

I'm thinking about what I want to do with this story, either add more drama or just all happy and good and complete it but I'm not sure because I got so many ideas!

Btw recently someone cut the music and sound out of the carpool kareoke if I'm right and yeah James is our next captain on the larry ship nex to Niall, zee watching and adoring and then we have our LILI, WHO ALWAYS HAS TO MAKE THE OBVIOUS EVEN MORE OBVIOUS

Saw so many short vids and vids on YouTube and tiktok of that, butttt with the carpool

Like they were playing fuck marry kiss? Or kill or whatever I'm in a lovey dovey phase and my brain is screaming cuz of the thing I noticed next and I wanted to share cuz some didn't see yet and we all need to share larry and 1D boys content ofc.

Like the bromances between all are so cute! Alright to the point, I'm like Luke and lou in the story ^ lol

And Liam saying like 'guess you guys are getting a diverse then' after Louis is concentrating and worried about if it's for one night or every night, James saying every night like aaaa does this mean they are/were together and sleeping in each others arms?

Harry playing with his hair and lou laughing and finding the car window rather interesting suddenly and omg to the one who figured this out when we thought we got everything possible (except larry behind scenes the boys and loved ones second row seats and ofc larry only moments just the two of them being lovingly) thankyou thankyou *bows in larry*

Again ranting lmao but not ashamed at all had to share even tho I said I wasn't going to ramble as much ya'll seem to love it (from what I heard).

Alright I'm going to watch the vid another 100 times again and write more with this new inspiration. (A sickfic even maybe! Hehe wouldn't that be nice, well well well -cat lou)

Cya soon!

Hope ya'll are doing well!


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