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'Not free, yet'

"Where does this box go?" Niall held up a box, almost tripping amd stumbling over, trying to regain his balance.

Liam lifted his pinky amd catched the box that was falling to the ground like it was nothing, smirking as if he was proud of himself.

"Well Niall, it says kitchen so I think it belongs in our bedroom, but we wouldn't be able to use it if you scatter everything inside of it hm?" Louis sassed at him, Niall rolling his eyes and taking the box out of Liam's hands, silently thanking him.

"NIALL, KITCHEN!" Niall sheepishly smiled and sprinted to the other side of the room.

"Boys, how are you feeling? It seems to go smooth, innit boo?" Aunt Jade wrapped her arms around Louis.

"YeS BoOBeAr." Harry snickered, playfully mocking his fiancé's aunt.

"It's not too much stuff, just one person their stuff so." Louis flipped Harry off from behind his back and then turned his head and smiled at his aunt.

Much had happend over the past months. They were together for thirteen months now, just a little over a year and things took a turn for sure, but only for the better.

Harry was moving in with Louis today, but it wasn't really a big deal since he had practically been living with Louis when he became his bodyguard and they were since then inseperable anyway.

He had his own house back in Yorkshire, but they had sold it and also picked up his cat from his mum her house to let her live with them again. Harry hadn't been home at all when he became the blue eyed boy's bodyguard, but not Dusty could go from his mom to living with them.

He didn't spoke to his mother often, but since they would get Dusty back she probably would come over a lot more often, also since now Harry wasn't Louis's bodyguard no more so tables had turned drastically.

Liam was parttime Louis's bodyguard and had been since around two weeks after their six month anniversary.

Harry was just as hesitant as Louis at the beginning, a stranger being there to protect Louis, Harry taking a step back in a way, but they had come to a agreement.

Harry would be Louis's 'bodyguard' around the house and when they wanted to be together and go somewhere just the two of them, and Liam would be there to escort them both to events, tagging along when there were many people or paparazzi and overall he was always just close by at all times.

Liam was a pretty nice guy and they became friends with the lad pretty quickly.

Liam was fond of their relationship and respected the fact that Harry had a bit of a hard time doing this, having this protective aura from nature.

Liam had moved into the cabin in their backyard and seemed to be just fine with that.

After their holiday they also still kept in touch with Niall, visiting each other back and forth regulary.

Niall was planning on living in London soon since had was offered a job with a better paycheck, so that's in the picture a bit.

Aunt Jade and Lottie were still a fantastic duo as always, Lottie always having Louis his back and vice versa, and she even went along with Harry to pick out a engagement ring.

They have been engaged for a little over two months now, and it might be a tiny bit early but to them, it just felt right and had the 'just go for it if it feels right' mindset.

None of them regretted a thing when it comes to their relationship, everything went great.

Louis had made new music over time and would go on a new tour soon and Harry would as always tag along, but in order to do that there was one thing that needed to be done.

They needed to tell the world they were together, and they couldn't wait. It would be official and it was nerve wrecking, but a forever thing that needs to be done.

They both talked about it often as well as with Luke, but tried to focus on 'here and now' and push it back into the mind a bit, trying not to think about it.

Of course it was something they both really wanted and were looking forward to, but now that the moment was coming, something they had been waiting for for like months which felt like a lifetime and forever, it just hit them, it would become real and came close to the both of them.

"I guess we're done here." Niall wiped his hands on his pants and crossed his arms, looking around satisfied.

After two hours they were done with moving around boxed and unpacking, which wasn't a big deal as Harry's stuff was already mostly at Louis's anyway.

"Thanks guys." The boys gave Liam and Niall a hug, both clinging onto them a bit tighter then normal, the nerves shooting through their body's like a fricking shooting star.

"You will be fine, I will be outside with the security team in case they come over here, Jade and Lottie just texted me they arrived home safely, there is security out of their house on stand by as well, they will call you later tonight and Luke is in his office as usual." Liam explained, trying to reassure the both of them.

Niall, who had come over to stay for a couple of days and help unpack, patted both of their shoulders. "You got this, it will be fine, they love the both of you, it's just 'rumors confirmed' kinda deal."

Liam nodded in agreement. "Yeah you two are a package deal, if they don't like you or your music or relationship it's their loss, it's your life, lou it's time you gonna live it to the fullest, you both deserve it, you need to be at each others side, everyone who doesn't see that or disagrees is blind." He winked and Louis felt Harry pull him closer from the side, his nerves going down a bit.

He felt a bit more at ease hearing that from Liam and Niall, and knew they were right.

He really had the best friends, fans, family, loved ones and boyfriend in the world.

"Let's go love, it's time."

"Here goes nothing, take the risk or lose the chance."


We took a chonce, god knows we did it... (;

Disclaimer: not indicating anything about larry irl, this is fanfiction and entertainment purpose, but can't really deny I would see them having this love still irl, but yeah as long as they're happy..

It feels weird that this is almost the end of a never ending love story, at least here it never ends, let's continue it in our hearts, minds and souls forever, the memories living there rent free.

It's like a destiny, and well it's just like the old larry times, it's captured forever, and maybe we will get a glimpse of 'now and from then on' but that's on them and I hope everyone will respect and accept it like I do.

I would take this down in a second, a heartbeat if needed but the denial and confirmation is complicated and a kinda confused balance if I may say it.

Let's continue like there is no tomorrow.

Hope ya'll get me lol, it's all just so much words but actions will probably always be enough <3

Love and freedom and happiness, spread it! Feel it :)

Cya at the Epilogue x


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