Part III ~ Theodan

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The Golden Throne room was already full when he arrived. Corryn's Raksha lined up on one side, the Leothine on the other. The stench of blood and human sweat filled the room. Ismene's feed meant he was able to enter with his head up and his body strong, which was fortunate as he could feel every eye turn to him as he entered the throne room. Awe, animosity, distrust. He saw all of that and more on the faces of both the Leoth and the Sun Kin.

His eyes found Corryn, who sat casually on the throne with his elbows on his knees, his hands templed under his chin. He looked relaxed. He suited the seat too, Theodan mused.

Corryn met his eye and gave a small nod of acknowledgment, his expression more guarded than the rest of his tribe. Theodan moved to stand next to Draden and took a moment to properly take in the Kin who had gathered to hear Corryn's news. They looked strong and alert, not a glimmer of exhaustion in their bodies or their eyes that he could see. They were warriors. Killing Zybarian soldiers fuelled Corryn's men as much as it fuelled his own, it appeared.

In Corryn's hand was a piece of parchment, dirtied and distressed: Hadden's reply. If he had refused to help Corryn hold the bay, then they would need another plan. Calate may yet turn their allegiance from Zybar, but Theodan had other plans for its king now. Plans that did not align with peace. There had been no clue in Corryn's eyes as to its contents. Ismene had entered the throne room moments after him, and she stood next to Vala now, standing tall and imperious as ever. When she caught his eye she raised a single eyebrow at him.

"I have received word from Hadden Wycliffe of The Windswallow," he held up the parchment. "He and his sea tribe will help us defend the bay," Corryn announced without preamble. There was a murmur - relief, celebration - from the room. "We are to expect their fleet - at least thirty ships - to arrive steadily, starting on the morrow.  Thirty is not enough to hold off a renewed Zybar attack, not nearly. But it will buy us time." He glanced at Theodan then. "As well as men and ships, they will bring supplies of weapons and food, and of course more men, but we will need the camp on the beach ready for their arrival. 

 He ordered the bulk of his kin to eat first, before making their way to the beach to prepare it for its new inhabitants and dismissed them. Only his closest men and the Leothine remained. When the doors to the throne room were closed, Corryn let out a sigh and slumped back on the golden throne, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. When he lifted his head to look at Theodan, it was clear.

There had been a condition to The Sea Tribe's aid.

"He has a condition," Theodan said. Corryn nodded, his eyes still giving nothing away. "My head? For at this point I think there is none on Ethis who does not want it."

Corryn appeared to fight the smile that wanted to take over his mouth. "Your surrender."

"And who is he to demand it?" Vala scoffed. Insulted on his behalf. 

Theodan considered what he knew of Hadden Wycliffe. What he had heard during those long council meetings where they had discussed the movements of the Sea Tribe and their marauding captain, what knowledge had been picked up by the Wyndove and sent on the wind back to Leoth like jewels. He was violent. Ruthless. Heartless too. He commanded more than forty ships without ever setting foot aboard them. 

Theodan also knew that where Corryn's loyalty to Azura and her throne was complex given his love for Arielle, given his existence outside the city and its laws, Hadden Wycliffe had been a king-appointed merchant. Had been well compensated by Sylvan for scouring the corners of Ethis for those rare things only a king could afford. He was a true Azurian. He lived on the sea but the golden sands of this land had grown him to manhood first. Whether guilt at not helping defend her played on his mind now, Theodan did not know, but of course, he would want Theodan's head for all he had done here.

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