Part IV~ Theodan

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There was not a sound for what felt like an eternity, his words hanging weighty and loud in the silence. Human and Leoth alike staring at him, unblinking, unbelieving. 'Twas Draden who spoke first.

"I do not understand. You are not even of The Twelve, how has such a thing occurred? Has a male ever been chosen to receive the gift?" It was Ismene he looked at now.

"Not since the Dark One himself," she confirmed.

"Then it makes no sense."

"No sense to whom?" She asked, her tone sharp. "To you Draden of Caihaen? To us, mere servants? Are you so arrogant that you dare to question the choice of The Dark One? For this is by His design alone. Theodan has been chosen, and it is our duty now not to question or doubt, but to serve him as our blood dictates we must serve our High One."

Draden looked chastened as he dropped his gaze to his feet, then back up at Theodan.

"Forgive me, Theo. I just.. I do not understand."

"There is nothing to forgive, brother."

His friend smiled softly. "Then you can hear him?" Draden asked, glancing around the throne room. "Here, now?"

Theodan shook his head. "I have no more access to Him than you do. Not yet at least. I do not fully understand this gift, or what I am to do with it."

"You have had the power of the High One since Leoth and you said nothing of it?" Vala asked, suspicious.

"I have no power. I have felt nothing," he assured her.

"You slaughtered a legion of Zybar single-handedly, Theo." This from Corryn, whose expression was wary. "You're a skilled warrior, but that was something else... That was power."

That was rage. He wanted to say, but he was not certain that was all it was. Was it a manifestation of this gift he had been given?

"Perhaps. But still, I feel unchanged," he said. "The core of me is as it always was. Now as I stand here I am no different to who I was before. Though I am assured that is my own doing." He glanced at Ismene who raised a single eyebrow in reply.

"Then you must return to Leoth," said Vala. When he looked at her she took a step closer, eyes widening. "Don't you see? Paeris cannot dare challenge you now. The council are required to kneel before you and swear their allegiance. You have the power to have Orrin released, to name another Isdar if you choose. To command our army and the people if you choose. It is your duty to lead them, to speak for them. Gods, if they had taken your head... if Ismene had not freed you when she did." She glanced at the Primed, something like gratitude shining in her eyes.

As the weighted silence swelled once more, he thought only of Fara. Of how this newest duty conspired to keep him from her. But Ismene had been right: he could not enter Calate alone, could not distance himself further from Leoth and hope to stay alive more than a few moons, let alone find a way into Prissia and to the king. Nor could he ask these Leoth to risk their lives to help him.

He could do more for her and her quest for peace from the Court of the Moon. He could find a way to wield this power he had been given for the benefit of not only his own people but for Fara and the realm he had won back for her. He could find a way to bring Valdr of Calate before him and deliver him a slow and careful death. Back in Leoth, he could also search the tomes of Alesia for any and all information on the Forsworn and clues to what they might want.

Though everything inside him screamed that he must go to Fara, it would be a foolish mission. He acknowledged this and yet pain and rage still clawed at his chest from the inside at the thought of leaving her in the arms of her torturer.

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