Part VII ~ Fara

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She could only stare as his words sank in.

"You're proposing marriage? Even though you know my brother would kill you for it? And even though I carry another man's child?"

Dacian looked undeterred. "I am. If I am to turn my loyalty from my king to his sister, then it should be because that woman is also my wife."

She understood it then. "Helping your wife take back a kingdom that was stolen from her would be seen as honourable, not treasonous."

Dacian smiled. "Oh, many will still call it treason, but not the people of the Isles. They are far more devoted to you than they are their king, your grace. We mourned your death, picked up swords for retribution without hesitation. And before that, our betrothal was a cause for celebration and pride. To know that we are wed and that I do not fight a needless war, but one which takes back that which was stolen from you, I believe they will be proud once more."

She frowned. "But I dishonoured our betrothal when I married Galyn. Surely they would not forget that so easily?"

He sighed. "You think the people don't know that a betrothal is a pact made by two fathers for political gain? That love rarely blooms because our fathers tell us it should. They bear no ill will towards you for marrying the prince, for they have no quarrel with Azura. In fact the opposite. Many did not understand why we did not send men or ships to defend her. Many more do not understand why we side with those who helped destroy her." He looked at Valdr briefly, then back at her. "I want to restore that pride to the Isles and Calate. Our marriage would do it. Taking Azura back from Zybar would do it."

He cared for his people, she could see it in his eyes and hear it in his words. He cared how they thought about themselves. He wanted to make a better world. It would be his death warrant. He reminded her so much of Theodan then.

"And what of my child?" She asked him. "Will you love it? Protect it as though it were your own?"

He looked utterly sincere as he gave her a single nod. "I will."

Gods, how could she refuse what he offered to her. When what he offered was all that she needed to survive and avenge? Dacian's sea army was the greatest on Ethis. It could not be bested on the water. She knew from Valdr that the number of Zybar soldiers in Azura were not large, that many had returned to Zybar for Torrik's death ceremony and to choose their new king. They could save Azura. She would have to convince the people to follow her, to believe in her intentions, but Theodan had believed in her.

If the people of Azura knew she carried Galyn's child surely they would recognise her claim.

Valdr would be incensed, would send men and soldiers after them, but would he send an entire army to get her back this time? When he aimed to destroy Leoth?

Her mind whirred and spun at the possibilities. It was not the promise she had made Theodan.  She had not been able to convince Valdr to send peace terms. And neither could she sit here and wait for war. Calate could - likely would - still fall to Leoth in battle, but if she could claim control of Azura then she would send peace terms. Would find some accord between the Leothin and Azurian people. It would not be easy, nor quick, but perhaps with the trade of the medicine Elyon had spoken of.


She looked at Dacian.

"I would require your help to free Elyon of Lethane. I will not leave him behind."

Something flitted across Dacian's gaze before he nodded. "It will not be easy, but I will try." He saw her look and sighed. "I will find a way to free the Leothine."

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