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I swat- half asleep- at the force that's currently shaking me. "Mmm," is the only sound that comes from me.

"No, get your dumbass up... I'm sorry I called you a dumbass, but what you pulled yesterday, you kind of are one," my roommate explains. "Now, get up and go do that presentation with Monty."

I make a whiny noise before opening my eyes and glaring at Ethan, "I'm depressed, dad. I don't want to see them."

"No, you're not allowed to joke. I don't care that you're depressed, you brought this on yourself." I groan obnoxiously and shove Ethan out of my way before getting out of bed. "Go to class, and while you're at it, apologizing to Monty and tell them what really happened."

I grunt and reluctantly get ready for class.


Monty won't even look at me. And I think our Professor notices the shift in dynamic between us as he hesitantly asks, "You guys... good to present today?"

"Yep," Monty replies curtly, grabbing the clicker for the side show. Monty and I stand on opposite sides of the projector screen after pulling up our presentation.

"Alright, whenever you're ready gentlemen."

I take a deep breath and start as we rehearsed, "Good morning, Topics of Today class. Today, the topic you will be leaning about is the police force and why they need more training,"

Monty clicks to the next slide. The presentation goes okay at first, Monty and I switching off speaking. Though, Monty's speaking like they're pissed off and would rather be anywhere else.

By our seventh and last slide, Monty takes a different direction than what is written on our note cards. "What police officers really need is to get off the pedestal they think they're on and realize that they can't just treat people like we're disposable. I have feelings, unlike them who are emotionless."

Oh shit. Monty, don't do this.

"And, ya' know, they make you think you can trust them, so you build a relationship with them that feels so real and it's beautiful and fun and finally, life isn't as boring and shitty as it was without them. But, really, cops are just piece of shit, lying, assholes who don't care about anyone, but themselves."

I just stand here, not looking at Monty, and let them talk shit about me in front of everyone. I deserve it. And it's soul crushing hearing these words because Monty is someone who made my life less boring and shitty. Every moment with them is fun. But I ruined that, so while the professor sits at his desk looking awestruck- almost amused- and the audience looking between Monty and I (clearly understanding that Monty isn't in fact talking about police officers anymore), I just take it.

"So the lesson to learn is to never trust anyone. Thanks." And Monty clicks past our last slide.

The whole room is silent until Professor Stevens says, "well, that was certainly a presentation."

"A little off script," I joke, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Fuck you," Monty spits out at me.

"Monty-" I start, but they're already out of the class.

Thank you for reading <3

I'm thinking 3 more chapters...?

-Xoxo, Bert

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