15 📞 how to plan a murder

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

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"Do you know how to really permanently erase some brother of mine off the face of the earth?"

"Throw him in a fire and roast them in a stick like toasted marhsmallows"

"I'll keep that in mind"

"Out of boredom, why did you ask?"

"My younger brother has stolen my last very piece of chicken drumstick, so I'm currently waging a war on him all day"

"Wow, that's so immature of you and why am I not surprise? Even coming from me, the Prince of immaturity in our group

"You can't blame me... Food is food. I'm ready to sacrifice his blood for a vampire just to have another chicken"

"Steal some of his things. He seems like a mischievous brat"

"That he is, and - Alex, stop doing that before I shove your head down the toilet bowl!"

"Sounds like you were having fun"

"Oh yes, we are! Alex, you stupid boy, not my phone!"

"Ooh, you swore in front of a kid! Shall I wash your mouth with muriatic acid now?"

"If you dare to do that, I'll find myself being imprison for two murders. Of my brother's and someone named Riki"

"I wonder what acid taste like"

"You'll find out soon enough"

"You didn't know where I live"

"I hate you"

"I love you - No. I hate you. I hate that song"

"Oh, for god's sake, Alex, mom will kill me if you touch that one!"

"What did he do this time?"

"Alexis, I am going to murder you -"

[ beeps ]

"I prayed for that kid's life at the hands of his monster for a sister"

The Savage Charmer ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU [ #3 ]Where stories live. Discover now