28 📞 balding neighbor

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"Hello, I need someone to listen to me"

"Well, I'm not available"

"You answered, so endure it from the start to the end"

"You'll not give me a choice, do you?"

"You'd love to hear it, but Ni-ki, how can some old people be so careless with their words? That fucker for a neighbor deserves every worst luck in the world"

"Uh, what did he do?"

"Oh, he's just some almost hairless bitter nuts in the corner.. Just because he saw me not obliging my mom for one time, he really told in my face how my mom should wish for a better daughter with manners"

"And then..?"

"So I told him right in the face how his ex-wife left him for being such a meddler to somebody else's life. For someone of his rotting age, he doesn't know the word manners"

"Uhuh.. Continue"

"Manners? Is he talking about manners? Then why isn't he being a good example? Why is he caring about our lives when his fourteen year old daughter is what? Pregnant!"

"Wow.. That's too young for her age to have a baby"

"You tell me that... Yes, I'll be honest to myself, I'm disrespectful to some adults when they deserve it, but at least I'm not some pretending sweet daughter who is sometimes sneaking out of their house to meet some older boys"

"How did you even know about that?"

"It's the gossip of this whole neighborhood. His oh-so-sweet daughter had once even nearly met a guy who's actually had been in the news for being a rapist and if not for the police coming in time, she's done for"


"Does that stop her? No, she met some guys again and was caught once.. Now the friends of that balding nut have the boy beaten up and the next thing I know, the family of the boy is putting a case in the court"

"Your neighborhood is wild"

"Oh, that's the least of it. That's why I want to be out of here. It's full of unsavory people here who cared more about you than their falling apart lives"

"Do you have something more to complain about?"

"I think that's enough.. I let it all and thank you for listening to my Ted Talk"

"But... do you feel better now?"

"Given that I'm talking to Ni-ki and that you didn't judge me for it, yes, I feel better"

"Well, I need to go now. We're working on something, you see"

"Did you just stay longer in this call to listen?" [ gasps ]


"Are you.. Are you already learning to like me back?"


"Ergh, it's okay.. I know, I know I'm just a fan to you, it's okay"

"But you're not just a fan for me.."

[ beeps ]

"Shit, I slipped up. Now she knows"

The Savage Charmer ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU [ #3 ]Where stories live. Discover now