Chapter 13: "Priority: The Tour"

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--War Spike, Terra Sphere--

The Commander-in-chief is on comms with the President in his office.

"The GIA just informed me that the entire Outer Rim sector of the Batarian Nation gone dark just hours ago, sir" CIC Brooklyn King reports.

"Do we know what happened?" President Liam asks.

"No sir, our agents in that sector also went dark. The Batarian government is keeping quiet but the last transmission from our guys saying the colonies were being attacked by a powerful unknown force" CIC Brooklyn pauses for a moment and then continues "The description of the hostile forces fit the description of the Reaper in the data from the Prothean AI on Spes, sir".

"So it is true, what about the Citadel Council?" President Liam asks.

"We forwarded our findings on the Reaper and warned them, sir. But they don't trust us, as always" CIC Brooklyn replies.

"Alright, have the GIA double down on those Prothean data. If the Reaper is as powerful as the Prothean's warning then we don't have much time, we need every information we can get, their weaknesses, tech level, strategies everything. Start fortifying our borders but do it quietly, I don't want the public to panic yet" President Liam says.

"Yes sir" CIC Brooklyn then hang up.

President Liam turns hit chair to face the window looking out to the pacific ocean thinking. He then presses a button to talk to his secretary "Move the meeting with the Falmartian 1 day back, there's something I need to do first" then he hang up and call the Turian Primach.

Since the First Interstellar War, Human-Turian relation has been improving fast. Despite UNE refusal to join the Citadel Council due to disagreement in rule and regulations, the Turian Hierarchy has a certain degree of respect for the UNE.

--New Ginza Square, New Ginza City, Eden Prime--

New Ginza Square was converted into a small military base surrounding the gate. At the South end of the square is a memorial place to remember the deaths during New Ginza Incident. Usually, there would be a lot of people who come to grief their lost ones and pray. Today, however, the DSA cleared the entire block from civilians for the visit of the group.

The D-20 enters the atmosphere of Eden Prime and comes into view of New Ginza City. Looking out of the window, the passengers can see a beautiful city below with tall and beautiful buildings that seemingly reach heaven. The transport slowly descends onto the landing pad in New Ginza Square and opens its rear ramp.

"Hmm, interesting" King Duran says

"What?" Pina asks.

"So your General went through the gate and see these godly structures, all these flying wagons and the first thing he did was giving the order to slaughter everything? You Saderans are truly blinded by your arrogance" Kind Duran replies.

"You..." Pina feels insulted but instantly calms down because she knows Duran is not wrong "I suppose you are right".

The Empire has always been the most "civilized" and advanced nation on Falmart. All the conquests to conquer foreign lands were in the name of bringing civilization to the barbaric people. Having never lost a war, despite some battles were lost, making the Imperial General believes that the gods are on their side and they will always in no matter what. This is part of the reason why many in the Empire is still believing that the defeats of the Imperial Army beyond the gate and at Alnus Hill were just a small setback and they will eventually win the war.

A DSA agent leads them to the memorial place. In it, a large stone wall with all the names of the ones who died during the incident with their picture on it. Rory kneels in front of the stone wall and prays for Emroy to take their souls in as they died in battle. The others pay their respect in their own way.

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