Chapter 36: "Priority: Minerva's Ring".

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It has been over 4 hours since Ava informed Crugnok of her plans. She is sitting on top of the APC watching Rob and another tech specialist of the unit working at the power source of the ring. Lightning continues to strike in the sky as the storm shows no sign of slowing down. The power source is 2 klicks South of the edge of the village in the middle of a cornfield. Because of the storm that blocked the sunlight and the constant rain, all the corn plants on the field are dead but what's left is still blocking the view of the surrounding area. Ava asked Curgnok to have the villagers flatten the field while the SIFs are working on digging trenches to fortify the area around the power source.

They can't protect the village while defending the power source at the same time. Therefore, in case Rob could not manage to install the new power core in time, Ava ordered the platoon to set up a defensive position around the power source so they could buy more time if they need to. The villager will also gather at the power source so the SIFs could protect them and they help bring ammo around the trenches. The corn plants are being turned into mass in order to replicate more sentries and ammo.

If things go south, the SIFs will load the designated youngest children and mount up then head straight for the Valley of The Gods leaving the villagers to their fate. Ava hopes that it does not come down to that, but if it does, she would not hesitate to give the order. On the other hand, Crugnok and many of the villagers are not happy with the plan but they know that there is nothing more the other worlders could do. They can only pray that the power core plan works and they don't have to die, yet.

Grey drops a large bunch of corn plants next to the APC so it can be put into the replicator then walks towards Ava "Commander, we've cleared the field. What do you want us to do next?" he reports.

Ava checks TACNet and then replies "The defensive positions are done, now we just wait".

"Yes, ma'am, mind me joining you up there?" Grey asks.

"Sure" Ava nods.

Grey jumps to the top of the APC and then sits down next to Ava "My years in the Imperial Army took me to far and strange lands, we fought against strange magics and beasts, I thought I'd seen everything. A few days with you people made me realize I know so little".

"Yea, well, we're a weird bunch" Ava replies then she looks around watches the villagers gather up to Crugnok. They all seem to be afraid "You don't seem too afraid" she asks Grey.

"Of death? No, commander. My father used to tell me that we're all dying the moment we were born so there's no point in fearing death. What really matters is how we use our time existing in this world, to do meaningful and impactful deeds" Grey replies then points towards to villagers "You see them? Those people are not capable of protecting themselves so it's up to people like us to protect them. It's a noble thing to do. So, no I'm not afraid of death, I only afraid that I die a meaningless death".

"Very wise, your dad" Ava replies then she calls to Rob who's working with the other SIF in the APC "Rob! How's it going?".

"It would go a lot faster if you guys stop asking us every 5 minutes!" He replies. The SIFs as well as Crugnok have been checking on the progress quite a lot.

"Alright, get it done" Ava replies.

"Yes, ma'am" Rob says.

"Do you think, Lieutenant Rob can do it?" Grey asks.

"Well, the Prothean tech is quite different than ours but they too have to obey the law of physic, unlike you magic people. Rob is one of the best techs I've ever known so yes, he can do it, the only problem is how long does it take for him to do it" Ava replies.

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