Chapter 39: "Priority: Auraelm P.2"

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--World building fact--

The sangheili was a bordering nation with the batarian. Although capable of spacefaring, their technological level is considered very low by galactic standards. Limited technology only allowed them to travel and colonized the local region of space. Despite the lacking in technology, they are proud and honorable people with a great mind for combat tactics. Bordering them is the jiralhanae, which is their fierce rivalry for hundreds of years. When the jiralhanae backed by Batarian Nation started attacking the sangheili, marking the beginning of the 20 days war, they sought help from the UNE knowing they could not stand against the weight of the batarian's military.

The UNE immediately conducted a series of diplomatic attempts with both batarian and jiralhanae to stop the invasion, while issuing an admonition to the Citadel of the possible coming military mobilization. When all efforts to convince the aggressors to stand down failed, Terra Sphere dispatched a small fleet of combat recon frigates, only over 1000 thousand, into the sangheili's space and launched highly effective logistical sabotage missions. Batanian and jiralhanae fleets were attacked with electronic warfare causing their electronics to fry and ships became nothing more than space junk until their support fleet arrive and repair. Logistical lines were littered with space storms created by the UNE combat recon made it almost impossible for supplies to be transferred to the frontline.

Without firing a single shot, the UNE fleet stopped the invasion dead on its track. Troops on the occupied world had no food, no ammo and no power cells to run their superior equipment compare to the sangheili. Ships occupying systems were constantly harassed and disabled, shields, engines, radars, etc made the cost of repairing them immensely if supply fleets could reach them at all. The sangheili counter-offensive was deadly as the jiralhanae-batarian coalition got nothing to fight back effectively. This strategy used by the UNE was so unconventional, in addition to the massive technological gap, they could not adapt to counter it.

When the GIA reported that the batarian government is losing interest in the war because the cost had become way too high for them to bear, the UNE immediately contact them and threaten an escalation into all-out Terra Fleet military action. As the result, both batarian and jiralhanae agreed to a peace treaty that lasted for decades until the reapers arrived.

When the reapers reached their space, the sangheili was determined to stand their ground. However, when it was obvious that they could not hope to stop the reapers and that they would go extinct if they stay, the sangheili leaders decided to evacuate as many as they could to UNE. When the foundation of the UNE Foreign Legion was first announced, 90% of the sangheili refugee population signed up within the first 3 days.


Going by the recommendation from Ava, UNE military command recognized the high potential of both Rory and Kaian in combat. Thus, they offered both apostles a chance to join the UNE military and help them fight in the war against a greater threat that might one day threaten their world. With the gods gone and Falmart geopolitics firmly under UNE's control, Rory and Kaian only way to honor their oath to protect Falmart is to work with the UNE. Within days of them accepting the offer, they were given citizenship and immediately put in training.

Being apostles, their strength without the TAC suit is incredible even for SIF standards. Kaian being an apostle of Minerva, the god of knowledge, has a sharp mind which allows him to learn UNE's military doctrine and tactics and then put the knowledge into practice almost perfectly. Rory on the other hand, being an apostle of war in addition to her almost 1000 years of existence, catches on as quickly as Kaian. Their martial art and marksmanship are undeniably good. However, their drill sergeant has to constantly remind them to keep their head down in combat and not act on pure instinct while following orders.

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