Chapter 24: "Priority: Kira I"

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long update, this chapter is a bit longer though. I hope you enjoy it. Oh and I talk about the Reaper a lot in this chapter so for those who is unfamiliar with the franchise, please do google "Mass Effect Reaper" for visual reference.

--World building fact--

While the other nations have similar systems to TACNet and Mnet for the military, none of them are even close to the efficiency of the UNE's systems. TACNet is a synchronized system that provides tactical information, relays orders and intel in the immediate area of operation while MNet is a system that display orders and strategy to all of the military. These 2 systems in combination provide the UNE military with a clear, live view of the entire war theater which make coordination between units so much easier and more precise.

The other systems used by the rest of the galaxy are only limited to video feeds without any advanced sensory that analyzes the battlefield. The lag in long range communication means that by the time their command receives the intel, minutes or hours have been passed. More than that, they do not have the technology to read the brainwave so that orders and commands can be relay precisely without the need to communicate.

--Impact point, Kira I--

The nature of modern warfare includes the use of sophisticated detection equipment make it the time of the day, in which a mission is conducted, less important. However, to maximize stealth, ISOC usually plans their mission so that the AO will be at night time on the planetary body that it takes place. At the depth of 50 meters (164 feet) under the water, the 2 D-20Bs open their side doors as force fields keeping the water from flooding the interior of the ship. The 5th SIF and the cloaked destroyers are maintaining radio silence for the duration of the operation.

Because the Repear's tactical capabilities is largely unknown, the highest precaution is applied for the 5th SIF. All TACNet and MNet links are turned off as well as radio. The SIFs will have to rely on hand signal to communicate with the assist of the suit's sensory, it will detect any signal given by the commanding officers such as Ava and Ashley and display it on the holographic screen in the helmet. While it is not as good as TACNet, it is very reliable and they will have to make do with given the situation.

A standard formation is used, a scout team consist of 3 SIFs from the 1st squad moves 200 meters (219 yards) ahead. The rest of the 1st squad form the center of the formation while 2 teams, 2 SIFs each from the 2nd squad, move along them 100 meters (109 yards) from both flanks. The rest of the 2nd squad move 200 meters behind the 1st squad. This way, they won't be all in 1 place for the enemy to ambush them and teams can easily support each other if one of them is ambushed.

For hours, the SIFs move slowly and carefully toward the location of the research facility provided by Ko'ra. There has been occasional Reaper patrol but Reaper present on the ground is light as they do not expect anything could sneak through their fleet in the orbit. Kira is a class F2V star which is hotter than Sol, this allows Kira I to have a smaller size then Earth but has a wider orbit around the sun but still receives enough heat for the water to stay liquid. As the result, the night in Kira I last longer than on Earth despite its smaller size.

Ava gives the signal for the unit to stay put as they arrive at the AO. The research facility is built on a small hill surrounded by an energy wall. After observing the area, making sure she didn't miss any detail. The enemies inside are Reap Husks created from dead batarians. The facility is lightly defended in terms of enemy contacts but the automated turrets around the facility would most likely convert to be used by the Reaper. Without any kind of support, an assault on foot is almost impossible.

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