12-My mental state is as stable as the godsdamned weather

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I ran through the night, jumping at the slightest creaks. Eyes watched me from the dark wood, my back prickling under hidden stares. Every moving shadow was a kelpie rushing me, every sound a poison dart swooping for skin. Whenever I turned to confront my pursuers, I met empty space. Then, shaking my head, I moved on.

It was sometime after dawn when I came to the oasis' end. I stumbled to a halt, hands on knees. Drenched in sweat, half-starved and dead on my feet, I made the decision to take a breather before crossing back into the Talamh Sioc. It was unanimous.

With a sigh, I ran a hand around my neck. Without Lazuli, the winter expert, things were bound to get a whole lot trickier, and a whole lot more dangerous. So, essentially, things would go back to normal. It'd been nice while it lasted, but being rid of Lazuli was for the best.

Prying open a couple of bushes, I found myself wondering how she was doing. She'd definitely given up on me and moved on; didn't seem the patient type.

Probably already back with her family doing human things. I bet seeing that Internet fella again is more than enough incentive to forget all about me.

My finger caught a thorn's edge, leaking a red droplet onto the leaf. As the drop forged a path down the bush, my eyes landed upon a patch of blackberries. Plucking one, I brought it right up to my face.

The aggregated fruits were dark as night and mushy to the touch. Overripe. Not the best sign, as far as omens went, but I wasn't feeling too picky at the time. My growling stomach had little interest in old fae tales warning of pookas and the like.

I grabbed a couple of handfuls and found myself a sturdy tree to rest under. The morning silence was deafening. Oddly enough, I thought it rather lonely. Certainly wasn't the same without Lazuli's constant chatter to keep me company, something I'd gotten used to very quick, even almost come to enjoy. I shook my head. Gods, my brain was being annoying. With worries bouncing back and forth, from Reaghan to Lazuli, I could hardly concentrate on eating my snack.

I popped a berry into my mouth. It was sweet, almost too much so. Munching down on some more, a few bits slid between my teeth. My tongue went after them, trying to wedge the fruits out even as I threw a couple more into the mix. All the while, my eyes were glued on a sea of white.

The frosty Talamh Sioc awaited, patient as the undying gods. I was less-than-enthusiastic over our imminent reunion, about as eager as I'd been to visit Timepearl. If only I could've found some way to convince myself what had happened wasn't my problem, I would've been on my way back home right then and there. With a hut to rebuild and a couple of canines to find, my schedule was already booked. The thought sparked another twinge of worry. Scathe would've tracked me down by then, if able. I hoped nothing had happened to the duo.

Of course nothing happened to them, Caedmon. Scathe would've taken Aoife somewhere safe first chance he got. They're probably huddled together with Devona right now. She'll take care of them.

Lost in my thoughts, I stared into the surrounding nature without seeing. The trees became a blur, my gaze absorbed by the spaces between them. Every so often, my hand tossed a couple more berries into my mouth. Part of me was aware I was wasting precious time, but, by the gods, I couldn't care less. All I wanted were a few more minutes.

The faint tickle of an insect brushed the inch of skin between my breastplate and waistband. As I went to wave the bug off, my fingertips grazed something, something coarse and squirming. Definitely not a bug.

Snake, I thought, eyes going wide.

Slow and steady, I started shying away, ready to jump to my feet at any sign of attack. I glanced down, curious as to what type of serpent I was dealing with. When my sights set on the creature, I paused. It took a moment for everything to register. The seemingly sentient root took that time to finish its loop around my waist.

Faefalling (working title)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora