24- Mothertrucker, dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick

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The camp was awake at the crack of dawn. The chipper atmosphere had gone. It was time to get down to business. We were going home that night, one way or another.

Last minute preparations rushed along as the clock ticked. The anxiety in the air was stifling.

Lazuli and Klepto walked with me as I went around, checking on everyone on my way to meet with Edium and Devona. At the very least, no one seemed ready to split quite yet. Of course, there was still time. At the very least, Edium was in high spirits.

"Caedmon! There you are, my boy! I've been waiting!" He turned to the side, addressing Connor. "Let everyone know, we march in ten."

Connor nodded, heading off to spread the news. After asking Lazuli for permission, Klepto sped off after him, eager to help. The rest of us crowded around the central table and its map. Edium went over the essentials of the plan with me one last time, more for his benefit than mine.

"And right here, we set up a tent for the wounded. We only have two healers, but the prince has offered his help. All those who aren't in the fight will be in the medical wing, helping where they can."

"Is Oslac doing well enough to help out? Are you sure? Last I saw him, things were looking pretty grim to say the least," I said.

Edium nodded. "He seems up to the challenge. They've all been resting: the prince, the queen and the nymph. Oslac patched them up as much as he could... but the situation is dire. The queen was asking for you this morning, come to think of it. You should go see her before we move on," he said, finishing with directions.

I gave him a quick thanks, ushering Lazuli out with me.

"Is Agaveah okay?" she asked, her brows knit.

"With Oslac worrying over her, I'm sure she's fine," I said, trying to forget how the both of them had looked the last time I'd been in their company.

Lazuli didn't seem quite satisfied by my response, but she said no more, hurrying alongside me. Finally, we came up to the tent Edium had mentioned. There was nothing special about it. Nothing to say that anyone of status was inside. Oslac himself barged out before I had the chance to announce myself.

He looked more alive than I remembered. His body had taken back a bit of its chub and with it came some of his vigour. All that was left were dark bags. The second he saw me, he clammed up, eyes growing distant.

"What do you want?" he asked, blunt as a spoon.

Taken aback, it took a moment for me to recollect my thoughts. "Um... I was told your mother wanted to see me?"

"Right," he answered, pointing a finger at Lazuli. "The human stays outside."

I paused. Oslac had never acted like this before. Maybe his days as a prisoner had changed him? Still, that gave him no right to be so surly towards Lazuli.

"It's fine, Caedmon. I'll be right here when you're done," she said, moving off to the side to wait.

Oslac held the tent flap back for me, dropping it as soon as I was inside. It was very somber, with not even a candle to light up the room. I could hardly see Ossy in front of me as he led the way to the far end of the tent and pulled aside some curtains.

Neala lay sprawled out in a bed. If anything, she looked worse than before. Just about all of her bones were visible. The sunken eyes and falling hair didn't add to a sparkling image of health.

She didn't even look up when Oslac called her name, only stirring when he shook her. Her gaze drifted away from her son's face, over to mine. There was a deep moment of silence before I realized she was trying to speak, words coming out in soft murmurs. I came closer, kneeling at her bedside. It was difficult to be angry with her as she lay there, though part of me itched for it.

Faefalling (working title)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin