chapter six

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idk what to put in this author's note, so hi


The rest of the week went pretty well. Spencer came back to school, which was nice despite being an awkward third wheel in their friendship once again.

Even better, he didn't get beat by the Millers at all. When he really thought about it, it was a sad thing to be excited about, but he was nonetheless.

Now, it was Sunday and they had visitors coming.

He knew better than to have hope that they would choose him, but somewhere in a small corner of his mind, he did.

The morning was somewhat hectic, trying to get everyone ready and fed quickly, with fear of the Millers coming downstairs on top of it. If they came downstairs before everyone was ready, it would've been a nightmare.

But luckily, they were all sitting in the living room waiting when the Millers finally came down. They seemed to ensure everything was in place before waiting in the foyer.

It didn't take long for the first couple to arrive. They didn't stay very long either. They decided to adopt one of the little boys, Ty. Peter didn't know him as well, but it was still bittersweet seeing him go. He would miss him, but couldn't be sad now that he'd be getting a family.

They had an hour or two to hang out before the next couple came. He mostly talked with Bella and hung out with her, but the time passed all too quickly.

The next couple came in but seemed less decisive than the first.

They asked everyone some questions and talked to everyone for a bit. Then they spoke with each other while watching everyone.

Peter had no idea who they might've been interested in adopting, but he knew one thing for sure: that it wasn't him. They'd barely glanced at him when they came in and the only thing they asked him was his name. Even that seemed more like they were trying to be polite since they'd asked everyone else.

He didn't mind though; he didn't expect to be chosen. He was starting to realize that they were only really interested in younger kids.

Yet, he guessed that wasn't always true, considering Bella was adopted. He'd thought no one would adopt teenagers, but then the Millers told everyone they wanted to adopt Bella.

He couldn't believe it. Of course, he was happy for her, but they'd become best friends in the past few weeks. It didn't sound like long, but it felt like a long time.

He'd thought about how May had left him alone, but even then, he'd had Bella. Now he'd be truly alone.

Everything seemed to go by in a blur as the couple waited in the living room while the kids went to the toy room and Bella went to pack. Peter waited for a few minutes in the hallway until Bella came out.

She almost immediately engulfed him in a hug which he didn't hesitate to return. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Yeah, but you get to leave this place." Peter pulled back from the hug to see her give him a skeptical look. "I'll be fine and you just got adopted so you should be happy. They seem nice."

Bella smiled half-heartedly but it didn't reach her eyes. Although, after a second, her eyes lit up and she grabbed her phone, handing it to him.

"Why don't you give me your phone number so I can tell you how it goes and you can text me if you need help."

Peter agreed and entered his phone number. They said a few more things, but then the couple rounded the corner, saying it was time to go. They hugged one last time before he was left alone.

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